400 children on the Croix de Lorraine esplanade

400 children on the Croix de Lorraine esplanade
400 children on the Croix de Lorraine esplanade

In Colombey-les-Deux-Eglises, the arrival of the Flame took place on the esplanade of the Croix de Lorraine at around 2:20 p.m.

There were around 400 children from schools and colleges in Colombey and neighbouring towns who took advantage of the privatised Croix de Lorraine esplanade for the arrival of the Olympic Flame relay.

A few minutes before the arrival of Lison Will, a relay runner known for her excellent results in climbing, the children encouraged by their teachers were in high spirits. They sang and cheered the young woman who was the fourth to take over the relay.

The children were grouped by classes, and dressed in colored t-shirts symbolizing the Olympic rings. Others, at the foot of the cross, held signs to give a warm welcome to the bearers and guardians of the Flame.

A very beautiful moment and even two bonus laps on the esplanade – since the weather permitted – for Lison Will, to the applause, with the three other torchbearers, including Claire Péligri, from the Péligri champagne house in the village, a soldier of the Black Devils and a member of the Flame team’s stewardship for the stopover at the general’s grave.

S. C. S.



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