These students from Alençon have created a mini-company that smells of jasmine

These students from Alençon have created a mini-company that smells of jasmine
These students from Alençon have created a mini-company that smells of jasmine


Editorial Alençon

Published on

June 28, 2024 at 2:02 p.m.

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The mini-company of the Louise-Michel college, in Alençon (Orne), Jasmine Fragrans gives a positive assessment of the past year.

From CEO to Marketing Manager

It was an entrepreneurial year for 14 fourth and third grade students from Louise-Michel College.

The teenagers, supervised by Maximilien Cotinet, plastic arts teacher and Constance Jacob, teaching assistant, registered for the Lower Normandy mini-enterprise competition. They were assisted by the Entreprendre association.

After sending their CVs, they were interviewed, just like for a real job.

The selected students all took on a different role within the company, ranging from CEO to marketing manager to communications manager…

Then came the market study, the purchase of raw materials, the production and sale of the products. Opening an account with Crédit Agricole, a partner of mini-enterprises, made it possible to manage the financial aspect.

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Around thirty people, college staff and parents of students, put up the funds to launch the mini-enterprise.

Three flavors

This year, the choice fell on musks, small alcohol-free perfumes and roll-ons.

With a base of sweet almond oil and jasmine essential oil, the students opted for three different scents: peach, vanilla and coconut.

One ingredient ties the entire composition of the products together: jasmine. Hence the company’s name, Jasmine Fragrans.

The perfumes were sold individually for €2 or in boxes of three bottles for €5. The vein was good since 90% of the boxes produced were sold for a profit of €248.

Of this total, 20% was donated to the Patients en réseau association. The remaining 80% was shared between the 14 students, with gift cards.

Sales were made at the Rouen International Fair in April and during parent-teacher meetings at the college.

A craze for next year

In May, the middle school students also defended their project in front of officials from Crédit Agricole de Caen, with other students from Orne and Calvados, who were carrying out different projects. Jasmine Fragrans received the Entrepreneurial Equality label.

Fabrice Goyer-Thierry, the principal of Louise-Michel College, thanked and congratulated the students and their supervisors. “It’s a real plus for your Parcoursup file, for your brevet or for your internship searches,” recalled the principal.

“We already have about thirty pre-registered for next year,” rejoices Constance Jacob, who knows full well that not all of them will be able to be retained. “We devoted an hour on Tuesday and an hour on Thursday to the company with two different groups. We hope to be able to meet for an hour and a half next year.”

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