Legislative elections in the Somme: great uncertainty in the 3rd constituency

Legislative elections in the Somme: great uncertainty in the 3rd constituency
Legislative elections in the Somme: great uncertainty in the 3rd constituency


Olivier Bacquet

Published on

June 28, 2024 at 1:57 p.m.

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The third constituency of the Somme (Vimeu and the Picardy coast) is maybe the most undecided in the west of the department.

Because the presence of seven candidates risks leading to a scattering of votes. And because three “heavyweights” are taking shape there.

The RN prefers a senior Parisian civil servant to local Nicolas Lottin

As in the 1st, that of François Ruffin, the constituency seems on paper promised to the National Rally after the results of the Europeans.

But the far-right party preferred Matthias Renaulta senior civil servant straight from Paris and totally unknown in the region, to Nicolas Lottin, a hunting figure and candidate in 2022.

Matthias Renault, RN candidate for the 3rd constituency of the Somme ©DR

The head of the PCF list for the European elections

As for the left bloc, it is embodied by the Amiens Leon Deffontainesalso a rising national figure.

Videos: currently on -

Head of the PCF list for the European elections, he intends to restore Vimeu to its historic red!

Candidate of the New Popular Front, Léon Deffontaines was the head of the PCF list in the European elections. ©-.fr / Edgar Chaumond

Emmanuel Maquet in an uncomfortable position

Emmanuel Maquet’s position seems very uncomfortable. But the outgoing MP (Les Républicains) has his record since 2017 on his side, and a real local base, unlike his two main competitors.

Former mayor of Mers-les-Bains, in the south of the district, he forms a tandem of local elected officials with his deputy Patricia Poupart, mayor of Vironchaux in the north of the territory.

Mayor of Warlus, Bruno Mariage is a candidate under the Horizons label, the party of Edouard Philippe. ©Publihebdos

No Macronist elected official, but…

He also has the fact that the presidential party has not nominated a candidate to face him.

There is, however, one candidate that the Prefecture has registered under the label of the presidential majority: the mayor of Warlus Bruno Mariage.

The latter actually wore the En Marche label in 2017, when he qualified for the second round. But he now wears the colours of Horizons, the party of Edouard Philippe.

Seeing him at the same level as in 2017 seems unlikely, but he could constitute a significant reserve of votes for Emmanuel Maquet.

Michel Vallet, workers’ struggle candidate in the 3rd constituency of the Somme. “Making the voice of workers heard” Michel Vallet is replaced by Élise Acoulon. (DR) – LO Vallet 3rd constituency Somme ©DR

Seven candidates and many possibilities

The expected high turnout could favour a three-way race in this constituency, with all the uncertainties that this would entail.

Remember that to qualify for the second round, a candidate must obtain the votes of 12.5% ​​of registered voters.

Another uncertainty: the weight of the number of candidates (seven) on a possible scattering of votes.

Other candidates… On the far right, Zemmourian Sylvie Bruhat, who has already announced that she is ready to withdraw “to allow a real Union of the Right if necessary”, sovereignist Noé Boxoen, and on the far left, LO Michel Vallet.

The candidates

  • Emmanuel Maquet (The Republicans)
  • Léon Deffontaines (New Popular Front)
  • Matthias Renault (National Rally)
  • Bruno Mariage (Horizons)
  • Sylvie Bruhat (Reconquest)
  • Michel Vallet (Workers’ Struggle)
  • Noé Boxoen (Sovereignist Right)

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