Start of fire at the Richesmonts cheese factory, in Orne: production interrupted for three hours

Start of fire at the Richesmonts cheese factory, in Orne: production interrupted for three hours
Start of fire at the Richesmonts cheese factory, in Orne: production interrupted for three hours

Around 4 a.m., Thursday June 27, 2024, an electrical cabinet caught fire in a room at the Richesmonts cheese factory, located in Pacé (Orne), near Alençon. Although no injuries were reported, the factory had to interrupt production for nearly 3 hours.

A fire broke out on Thursday June 27, 2024, around 4 a.m., in a maintenance room at the Richesmonts company, near Alençon (Orne). Illustrative photo. | DR

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  • A fire broke out on Thursday June 27, 2024, around 4 a.m., in a maintenance room at the Richesmonts company, near Alençon (Orne). Illustrative photo. | DR

An electrical cabinet caught fire in the early morning, Thursday June 27, 2024, in a maintenance room at the Richesmonts cheese factory, located in Pacé (Orne), near Alençon. Quickly brought under control, this start of fire caused no injuries. The factory had to interrupt production for almost three hours, but no employee was forced into technical unemployment while repairs were carried out.

Read also: In Rouen, a violent fire set the municipal technical center ablaze, no victims reported

Intervention completed around 6 a.m.

Alerted around 4:05 a.m., sixteen firefighters from the Alençon and Saint-Denis-Sur-Sarthon emergency centers were mobilized to the scene. The intervention finally ended around 6 a.m. In 2020, a violent fire had already taken place on the cheese factory site, when more than 1,000 m² of buildings went up in smoke.



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