three hospitals are committed to improving the quality of their catering

three hospitals are committed to improving the quality of their catering
three hospitals are committed to improving the quality of their catering

This concerns 11,250 meals served in Landes per day. Those prepared by the kitchens and central production or catering units of the Saint-Sever Hospital Center, the Mont-de-Marsan and Pays des Sources Intercommunal Hospital Center, and the Dax Hospital Center – Côte d’Argent. The three establishments form the Landes Territorial Hospital Group (GHT), which embarked on Tuesday June 18 in a participatory approach called My Responsible Restau. (1)

“It is a participatory guarantee system, a quality approach different from a label, because there are no specifications, it is free and based on volunteering, supported by the Foundation for Nature and Man and Réseau Restau’Co, an interprofessional network for directly managed collective catering, explains Virginie Bernardie, Mon Restau Responsable project manager. 1,900 sites nationwide have joined, of all types of collective catering. The commitment of the GHT des Landes is the first in the department, to be part of a dynamic of sustainable progress.”

Virginie Bernadie, Mon Restau project manager responsible.

Matthieu Sartre

State of play of practices

The process begins with an inventory of practices, from the origin of the products to their preparation, including the commitment of the producers, the well-being of the guests, the eco-gestures put in place, the savings in water and implemented energy and human resources policy.

With this particularity that in GHT 40, the practices already in place were different on each of the three sites, but this could serve as a source of inspiration for the courses of action to be extended to all.

They were presented in a public engagement session, a highlight which brought together stakeholders from hospital services, suppliers, elected officials, to demonstrate everyone’s commitment to this “unifying approach,” said Frédéric Pigny, the general director. of the CHI of Mont-de-Marsan and Pays des Sources. There is no reason to eat less well when you are in collective catering. »

“Meal times are essential,” insisted Delphine Lafargue, director of the Saint-Sever Hospital Center. This is part of the overall care of our patients and residents. We have a lot of hope in these devices. »

Sparkling water fountain

After a virtual tour of the establishments, the commitments of the GHT des Landes were detailed. For example, for the well-being of guests, the installation of a sparkling water fountain in the care services, for patients, staff and also visitors. The equipment, in place in Saint-Sever since February, will be extended to all establishments.

“In a geriatric hospital where the problem of swallowing disorders is great, these fountains connected to the drinking water network make it possible to save money, limit the handling of numerous glass bottles and reduce waste,” testified the Saint-séverines Nadège Goni and Aurielle Genevois, purchasing manager and dietician.

Frédéric Pigny, general director of CHI Mont-de-Marsan, during the public engagement session.

Matthieu Sartre

To make the meals distributed more responsible, the GHT is also committed to working on new vegetarian recipes combining legumes or vegetable proteins, and to integrating them daily as an alternative; to build a progress plan with suppliers to improve quality towards more sustainable purchases; to reference new organic or quality products in groceries, cereals, cold cuts and meats.

See you in two years

In the eco-friendly section, the volume of disposable containers used will be measured and alternatives studied. Just like a solution for recovering biowaste. And a diagnosis of food waste in the kitchen and in service will be carried out.

The establishments have two years to put these commitments in place, before a guarantee renewal session, “where we measure whether the objectives set have been achieved and we determine others. It’s a process of continuous improvement of practices,” concluded Virginie Bernardie.

(1) The Dax central catering unit provides 7,000 meals per day, also for schools, nursing homes, etc. The central production unit in Mont-de-Marsan prepares 4,000 meals per day, and the kitchens in Saint-Sever 250. Each time with varied menus depending on the diets and needs of patients.



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