the Stade Toulousain – Union Bordeaux Bègles final, an expected shock –

The Top 14 final between Toulouse and Bordeaux-Bègles is not just a “simple” Garonne derby moved to Marseille this Friday. This match, bringing together an armada of internationals and the famous “Galactics”, looks like a huge clash between the two most impressive formations.

On the one hand, the Toulouse ogre, holder of 22 Brennus Shields and recent champion of the Champions Cup, aspires to a new Europe/Championship double. As Romain Ntamack says: “We are never jaded”. On the other, Bordeaux-Bègles, the “Petit Poucet”, in the first final since the merger of Stade Bordeaux and CA Bègles-Bordeaux in 2006. According to Fabien Pelous: “It’s the opposition between the euphoria of a team that is going to play its first final versus experience.”

Toulouse, best attack of the regular season, faces UBB, third best attack, with Damian Penaud as its main asset. Dupont’s team shines with its recovery and counter-attacking play, while the UBB stands out for its forwards, particularly on carried balls, a legacy of the mythical Béglaise “turtle”.

Ugo Mola could use the words of Bernard Laporte: “Don’t make mistakes”, given the numerous penalties conceded in the semi-final against La Rochelle. Discipline will be crucial for this final, with Ludovic Cayre as referee. Serge Simon hopes “a very, very nice finale” with “full of play and wonderful things.”



PREV Neuville meets on September 7 in the final