4,812 participants: the Chartres Pink Races break their attendance record

4,812 participants: the Chartres Pink Races break their attendance record
4,812 participants: the Chartres Pink Races break their attendance record

The Pink Races, organized by Republican Echo with the assistance of the ASPTT Chartres and the Peps association, and the Foulées de la Cathédrale, co-organized by Republican Echo and the ASPTT, experienced a record attendance this Saturday, June 29, 2024, in Chartres. The first non-timed race recorded 4,812 participants while the Strides of the Cathedral recorded 2,200 participants.

The event, carried by Republican Echowith the support of ASPTT Chartres and the Peps association (Prevention education for health), once again attracted the crowd.
With mild weather, the Foulées roses de Chartres, organized to benefit the fight against cancer, broke a new participation record.

4,812 walkers and runners set off this Saturday, June 29, from Place des Épars, in the city center. After a downpour early in the afternoon that could have scared off some of the unsure, the participants set off in forgiving weather that was rather conducive to sports, from 2 to 7 p.m.

Some left before 6 p.m., most often with family, on the 5 km course at a free pace. Around 4 p.m., Laurie accompanied her visually impaired cousin. Their objective was twofold: “To meet and share a moment together, to support the fight against cancer and to enjoy the city in other conditions. »

LIVE – Cathedral Races: Lucas Liard and Isabelle Barat win the 29th edition!

Then there were those more motivated, who came with friends, to run or walk the same route, accompanied by thousands of participants.
Among them, some have already fought the disease. Florence, aged 62, went through the ordeal of breast cancer when she was 47 years old. “Now it has been over since 2009. I was very well looked after at Chartres hospital. I still have a control protocol with mammograms every year, she specifies to remind us of the ordeal that this fight represents. I participate in Foulées Roses because I have two daughters and I hope they never get cancer. »

Support actions carried out by the Peps association


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A little further, Emmanuelle also suffered from breast cancer. “This stage is completed after five years of a critical stage. I was able to benefit from the support care provided by the Peps association and the League against cancer with beauticians, sophrologists and psychologists. They also accompanied me to practice Nordic walking,” she recalls.

To enjoy this day in a friendly atmosphere, Emmanuelle came accompanied by Sophie, one of her friends for over twenty years.
In this atmosphere of good humor, some took part in the race in a festive manner, like Florian, aged 33, followed by six friends. “We are here for pleasure, to share a moment together and because pink is beautiful,” he smiles. And Chartres saw pink all afternoon.

The Strides of the Cathedral, a race that gains height

A festive warm-up

From 2 p.m., entertainment filled the Place des Épars. Some sports clubs, such as C’Chartres Boxe, offered initiations, often aimed at young teenagers. Several stands and associations also multiplied prevention messages to participants and passers-by. This was the case of the France Adot 28 association, which works to raise awareness about the cause of organ, tissue and bone marrow donation.
The Blouses Roses, for their part, highlighted their search for volunteers to support young patients in their medical journey.
It was really from 5:30 p.m. that the crowd of participants arrived in the streets of the city center. In his footsteps, the Hurlubarbus of the En Mouv’ment collective, who wandered around, offering street shows and juggling.

€30,835 for the fight against cancer

At 6:30 p.m., almost all the starters were on site for an ultra-energizing warm-up offered by Orange Bleue. Between Zumba and sounds inviting you to dance, the Place des Épars became, for about 20 minutes, the equivalent of a giant open-air gym.

One of the awaited moments of the evening was the presentation of the check by The Republican Echo to the Peps 28 association. €30,835 was thus collected. A moment of joy for the members of the association, punctuated by the announcement of the record attendance for the Foulées roses as for the Foulées de la cathedral.

“I have a second chance, so I’m going to live it to the full”: one year after his cardiac arrest, Wilfried Depuille returns to the Foulées de la cathédrale, in Chartres

Several brass bands accompanied the participants during the afternoon. This was the case of the Métronosoniques, who came from Magny and accompanied the walkers. A batucada also led the participants to the starting line while another brass band re-energized the crowd at the kiosk on the Butte des Charbonniers.

Thomas Desprez



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