Checkered weather in Quebec: cloudier weather and falling temperatures

Checkered weather in Quebec: cloudier weather and falling temperatures
Checkered weather in Quebec: cloudier weather and falling temperatures

The weather will be up and down this Wednesday across Quebec with alternating sun and clouds, scattered showers and a risk of thunderstorms, depending on the sector.

If in the southwest, the weather will be cloudier with perhaps an alternation of sun and clouds in Montreal, elsewhere we could see a few showers with even a risk of thunderstorms in certain sectors of the east of the province. .

In Montreal, the few morning clearings will give way to more cloudiness with a 40% probability of showers under comfortable temperatures of 25 degrees, while in western Quebec, the mercury will not exceed the 20 degrees.

In the center of the province, a few showers are expected in Quebec and Saguenay, where it will be 22 degrees, while in Estrie dense clouds will be accompanied by a risk of showers during the afternoon, according to Environment Canada.

On the other hand, in Eastern Quebec, things risk getting worse, since the federal agency predicts showers with a risk of thunderstorms in Bas-Saint-Laurent and on the North Shore, as well as falling temperatures, oscillating between 20 and 22 degrees.

For the day of Thursday, the mercury will continue to fall to stabilize at 15 degrees in the eastern sectors of the province, while elsewhere, temperatures in Quebec will not exceed 20 or 21 degrees, including in Montreal. .



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