Two years in prison for theft, violence and drug trafficking in Lorient

Two years in prison for theft, violence and drug trafficking in Lorient
Two years in prison for theft, violence and drug trafficking in Lorient

“A professional delinquent. An antisocial person.” An 18-year-old defendant quite annoyed the Lorient prosecutor and the court this Wednesday, June 26. He was prosecuted for around ten offenses in four months. The first time the police met him was in an apartment in Lorient where he was hiding a man who had escaped from police custody. According to investigators, the fugitive made his host work as a drug seller. A network which used to use unaccompanied minors to resell ecstasy, cocaine and other cannabis resin in the country of Lorient.

The police came across him again in several investigations until his appearance in court, as in a case of violence against homeless people. He threw a rearview mirror at them that he had just broken. “It’s because they hit me,” he defended himself. Six days later, he violently attacked a man who had tried to buy drugs from him, punching him, kicking him and stabbing him in the forehead at the exchange station, to steal cash and a mobile phone.

“He’s still a teenager!” »

On the night of the Fête de la Musique, the young adult attacked a group of friends and stole a mobile phone. He was arrested, with resistance, a few hours later on the terrace of a fast food restaurant, in the city center, injuring a police officer on the finger. The 18-year-old defendant, a Tunisian who arrived in France in 2022, has already been notified of an obligation to leave French territory. He says he does not understand what is being said to him at the hearing, going back on his statements in police custody. The prosecutor is requesting three years in prison and a ban from the territory for ten years. “He is still a teenager. The demands are very severe, it is disproportionate. He has no criminal record,” contests Marion Boutet, his lawyer. The court sentences Mohammed Ali Brahim to three years in prison, one of which is suspended and with continued detention. He is banned from French territory for ten years.



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