The mysterious raven sent letters to force ladies to have sex with him

The mysterious raven sent letters to force ladies to have sex with him
The mysterious raven sent letters to force ladies to have sex with him

Nicolas, a 67-year-old resident of Glons, was found guilty before the criminal court of having committed an attack on the sexual integrity of his sister-in-law in circumstances that were at the very least incredible, since he transformed himself into a crow to achieve his ends. The person concerned benefited from the fact that the reasonable time limit for judging the facts had been exceeded, since the magistrates pronounced a guilty verdict.

Indeed, the man was found guilty of having written anonymous letters in which a crow threatened the latter’s children with the worst torments, but also with torture and death if the latter did not have sexual relations with Nicolas!

On August 28, 2018, a letter arrived at the home of the wife of the suspect’s partner’s brother. In this letter, the author told her that she had to have sexual relations with the sixty-year-old according to a very specific scenario which was to take place near a water tower located in Fexhe-Slins. The woman immediately notified the police. The inspectors advised the woman not to go to the place with the sixty-year-old. According to the lady, the man then insisted on going to the place and carrying out the scenario ordered by the crow.

“This person was mad at me

Furthermore, when the first letter arrived at his sister-in-law’s home, it was the resident of Glons who was seen there at the time of the events. “I saw a man come and then leave”, declared the defendant during the first hearing devoted to his case. “I saw my sister-in-law open it. There was the envelope.”

The lady explained that she believed it was her brother-in-law who dropped off the letter. Several letters were found on the computer located at the suspect’s mother’s home. “For me, it was a neighbor who wrote the letters. This person was mad at me

Nicolas’ DNA was found on several disputed letters. When the computer was seized from his mother’s home, the crow began sending handwritten letters whose header represents an association in which the person concerned is affiliated. A graphology expert estimated that the handwriting could match his own.

Established facts

A friend of the suspect’s wife was also the target of this mysterious crow and the threats were identical. The way to avoid these torments was the same: to have sexual relations with the person concerned. The two ladies suspected the individual of being the author of these missives. And this for many reasons. Indeed, the mysterious author knew a lot of details of their intimate life, it was in his interest that they were carried out and from the moment he was hospitalized, the letters stopped…

The court ruled that the defendant was indeed the author of the anonymous letters. However, he noted that the reasonable time limit had been exceeded.



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