LE CREUSOT: Manu and Gérard Lanvin, a family affair on the Alto stage

29/06/2024 09:20

86 lectures

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Rarely will the 400 people present on Friday evening at the Alto have experienced such a duo of big names on stage.

Singer, guitarist and exceptional showman, Manu Lanvin is a key figure in French blues rock. He was accompanied on stage by his father Gérard Lanvin, artist, actor and big mouth of French cinema. A complicity born on the occasion of the unprecedented context of confinement during the pandemic. Gérard adapts his writings, Manu composes and arranges the music…
The first part of the evening was provided by the group White Feet Nasser Ben Dadoo. Behind every sound and every pulsation, the blues emerges as evidence. A modern and traveling blues.
On Saturday evening, Musicalium Festival continues with Terreur Twist as the opening act and Thomas Kahn on the Alto stage.





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