Legislative elections: a future headache for the municipalities of Gironde?

Legislative elections: a future headache for the municipalities of Gironde?
Legislative elections: a future headache for the municipalities of Gironde?

How to organize an election in three weeks? This is the question that the mayors of France and Gironde must answer. Tight schedule, difficulties in recruiting assessors, vacations of certain town hall employees, these are the concerns relayed by the Association of Mayors of France. If in several municipalities in our department such as Langon, Libourne or Mérignac, the vote does not seem to pose a problem for the moment, in Lormont, the days are already intense for town hall employees. “I’ve been there since yesterday, I’m calling everyone” explains Cathy Privat, the director of General Affairs and Legal Affairs in Lormont. Some staff members even had to cancel their vacations to be able to ensure the organization of future legislative elections.

Polling stations already occupied!

Another problem highlighted by Cathy Privat, the polling stations, some located in village halls or performance halls, already had a busy schedule. “We have to cancel certain events” regrets Cathy Privat, without having any solutions for the moment. To move a polling station, “iYou must make a request for an exemption from the prefecture. indicates Daniel Barbe, president of the Association of Rural Mayors of Gironde. But he wants to be reassuring, “the prefectures will issue all the requested exemptions“. He only wants one thing, that they are delivered quickly, so that mayors adapt as quickly as possible. Around forty municipalities out of 535 in Gironde could be affected by these difficulties, according to Daniel Barbe.



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