Michael Jackson, Lolo Ferrari, Maurizio Gucci… 5 podcasts on these celebrity deaths that marked the world of showbiz

Michael Jackson, Lolo Ferrari, Maurizio Gucci… 5 podcasts on these celebrity deaths that marked the world of showbiz
Michael Jackson, Lolo Ferrari, Maurizio Gucci… 5 podcasts on these celebrity deaths that marked the world of showbiz

Michael Jackson, Lolo Ferrari, Maurizio Gucci… These names still resonate throughout the world. And their deaths remain, for some individuals, more than enigmatic. Murder in the street, drug overdoses… Even today, doubts remain over the real circumstances of their deaths.

This week, The time of the crime returns to these celebrity deaths, which created astonishment and incomprehension. Starting with the death of the biggest pop star, Michael Jackson, found dead in his home in June 2009.

If the coroners conclude that it was a cardiac arrest, those around him and his fans struggle to believe such a scenario. Long, detailed, sometimes obscene investigations are launched, until doubts arise about a man in particular: Jackson’s personal physicianDr. Conrad Murray.

1. Michael Jackson: The King of Pop’s Last Night

On June 25, 2009, Michael Jackson found dead in his luxurious Los Angeles residence. He was preparing to launch a world tour that was to put him back in the spotlight, when he was taken by a sudden cardiac arrest. He was 50 years old.

To listen

Michael Jackson: The King of Pop’s Last Night


2. Death of Marie Trintignant: the dark night of Vilnius

On the night of July 26-27, 2003, a piece of news traveled the 2,000 kilometers that separated Lithuania from France. One of the most prominent rockers of the moment, Bertrand Cantat, left, between life and death, actress Marie Trintignantafter hitting her.

To listen

Death of Marie Trintignant: the dark night of Vilnius


3. The Lolo Ferrari affair: the last night of the doll in the pink nightie

Siliconized blonde creature, remodeled by cosmetic surgery… At the end of winter 2000, Lolo Ferrari found dead in her bedat 37 years old. A suicidal overdose. A cocktail of antidepressants, medications that she gorged herself on against a backdrop of deep neurosis.

To listen

The Lolo Ferrari Affair: The Last Night of the Doll in the Pink Nightie


4. Murder at the Guccis

On March 27, 1995, Maurizio Gucci, the powerful boss of the Italian luxury label, was murdered in the streets of Milan. Only the concierge witnessed the scene. The killer left in a green Clio that had come to pick him up. The head of Criminalpol leans towards a scheduled execution.

To listen

Murder at the Guccis


5. Jean Seberg: the last breath of the actress who embarrassed

In September 1979, the body of actress Jean Seberg is found, wrapped in a blanket, in the back of his white Renault, in the 16th arrondissement of Paris. In his hand we find a farewell note addressed to his son. The autopsy report indicates that she died of a massive overdose of barbiturates, but also alcohol. If the investigation concluded that it was suicide, there are many gray areas surrounding the circumstances of his death.

To listen

Jean Seberg: the last breath of the actress who embarrassed


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