Berruyer college students on the Parisian podium

Berruyer college students on the Parisian podium
Berruyer college students on the Parisian podium

Out of three hundred and sixty middle school students who took part in the Éducap City citizen rally last May, organized in Bourges by the Cap SAAA association (Cap sport art aventure amitiés) and the Rotary Bourges Avaricum, fifty students qualified to take part in the final stage last Thursday in Paris.

“Six Berruyères teams from six colleges – Jules-Verne, Victor-Hugo, Saint-Jean-Baptiste-de-la-Salle, Émile-Littré, Saint-Exupéry and Sainte-Marie – were in the running,” explains Claude Ybert, member of the Rotary Club.

The team made up of seven students from Saint-Jean-Baptiste-de-la-Salle college came third out of the one hundred and twenty participating teams. A nice place on the podium that the Berruyers celebrated on Monday at the college, where they each received a board game offered by the service club. “The tests in Bourges were easier than in Paris,” confides Cyprien. But in everyone’s opinion, physically, the rally was harder in Bourges. “In Paris, with sixty crossing points, we took the metro and the bus and we could rest during the journeys.”

The day before the rally, the schoolchildren were able to discover the Louvre, Notre-Dame Cathedral and the various bridges of the capital. A great experience that they will try to repeat next year if their behavior during the year remains exemplary, which the college’s educational assistant, Jean-Christophe Coudray, has no doubt about.



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