In Saumur, social services suspect domestic violence: a man sentenced

In Saumur, social services suspect domestic violence: a man sentenced
In Saumur, social services suspect domestic violence: a man sentenced

For four months, from March to June 2024, a woman was the victim of beatings by her partner, with whom she was staying in a hotel room in Saumur (Maine-et-Loire). Housed by social services, the couple was regularly monitored. It was during one of these meetings that a report of violence was made.

Placed in police custody on the morning of Monday June 24, the 22-year-old man finally admitted to having repeatedly assaulted his partner. Visible marks of blows, cheeks on the face and hair pulling, the 20-year-old young woman was not spared by her partner. He was on trial this Tuesday, June 25, at the Saumur criminal court. During the hearing the victim was not reproachful and expressed her desire to continue her affair with him.

Six months in prison

Known to the police when he was a minor for acts related to drugs, the man had never before come into contact with the law for acts of violence. The court followed the requests of the deputy prosecutor, by sentencing the defendant to twelve months in prison, six of which were suspended on probation. He has the obligation of care, work and a ban on contact with his partner for two years. A committal warrant was issued. The man will serve six months in prison.



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