This city, near Nantes, adopts a charter on “sustainable housing”

This city, near Nantes, adopts a charter on “sustainable housing”
This city, near Nantes, adopts a charter on “sustainable housing”

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Municipal Council. Designed as a tool for dialogue with project leaders, this charter must ensure that future housing will indeed meet the challenges of environmental transition. The intention did not convince the right-wing opposition elected officials in Thouaré-sur-Loire.

From now on, builders of new housing in Thouaré-sur-Loire will have to take note of the new “charter on sustainable housing” which sets out the environmental issues and the requirements expected by the municipality. (Illustrative photo). | THIERRY CREUX ARCHIVES

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  • From now on, builders of new housing in Thouaré-sur-Loire will have to be aware of the new “charter on sustainable housing” which sets out the environmental issues and requirements expected by the municipality. (Illustration photo). | THIERRY CREUX ARCHIVES

Producing housing that does not allow people to be too hot in the summer, that is comfortable and of high quality, and economical on the environmental impact of its construction… This is the message that the left-wing municipality of the city of Thouaré-sur-Loire wishes to broadcast loud and clear. An ambition also supported and reaffirmed by Nantes Métropole, during its last major debate, devoted to the Fabrique de la ville.

In short, the municipality wants to ensure that those who wish to build…



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