Let’s defend the Aubervilliers labor exchange!

Let’s defend the Aubervilliers labor exchange!
Let’s defend the Aubervilliers labor exchange!

Let’s refuse evictions, let’s defend the Aubervilliers Labor Exchange summoned to court by the mayor !

Gatherings on June 27 and 28, 2024

Since October 2023, the city’s local unions have been mobilizing against the threat of expulsion from the Labor Exchange wanted by the municipality. Gatherings on the occasion of municipal councils, demonstrations across the city, public evenings linked to social news have punctuated these last months and demonstrated the strong support of the inhabitants and workers of Aubervilliers at the Labor Exchange , effectively preventing its closure.

The Labor Exchange is a place for defending the rights of employees, the unemployed and the precarious, with or without papers, a place for union training and collective organization, meetings and debates.

We must face the facts: this displeases the mayor, Madame Franclet, so much that she is ready to do anything to see it closed, and it is for this purpose that she is now summoning the Labor Exchange to court, demanding that the courts rule on the immediate expulsion. A hearing is scheduled for Friday June 28, 2024 at the Bobigny judicial court.

Throughout these last months the mayor has refused any dialogue, except through false communication. It’s in “ baroness » of the city that it behaves, and the attack on the unions is unfortunately not the only example. Municipal agents are subject to aggressive management, residents are despised on a daily basis, subsidies to certain associations are reduced or cut, etc. The latest example, and not the least, is the imposition of new after-school regulations undermining the principle of equal access to public children’s services.

We have affirmed it in recent months, we reaffirm it today: we will not let this happen, we will defend ourselves at all costs in court or through mobilization.

The Labor Exchange is a common good, it belongs to the inhabitants and workers of Aubervilliers !


  • Thursday June 27 at 6 p.m. in front of the town hall on the occasion of the municipal council ; a union office will be organized on site
  • Friday June 28 at 9 a.m. in front of the Bobigny Judicial Court (promenade Jean Rostand)


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