Thanks to the CSI, the environmentalist mayor of Bordeaux obtains more police officers and a new police station from the State

Thanks to the CSI, the environmentalist mayor of Bordeaux obtains more police officers and a new police station from the State
Thanks to the CSI, the environmentalist mayor of Bordeaux obtains more police officers and a new police station from the State

Awaiting validation by Beauvau for a year, the integrated security contract (CSI) between the city of Bordeaux, the prefecture and the public prosecutor’s office will finally be signed, enshrining several State commitments in favor of security.

Le Figaro Bordeaux

It had been under discussion for years. On July 9, the Bordeaux municipal council should finally record the signing of the integrated security contract (CSI) between the city, the Gironde prefecture and the Bordeaux public prosecutor’s office. While this document was “on the desk of the Minister of the Interior” for a year, its signature had been long awaited by the environmentalist mayor of Bordeaux, Pierre Hurmic. This CSI “makes important commitments to strengthen the means for the security of Bordeaux residents”rejoices the municipality, which welcomes the progress obtained, three years after the start of discussions.

Concretely, the signing of this CSI acknowledges several commitments on the part of the State in Bordeaux over the period 2024-2026: the replacement of retired national police officers and current transfers, the strengthening of the police force with 40 positions additional funds, co-financing of local mediation systems, particularly in schools, co-financing “reinforced by the state” video surveillance, the perpetuation of the four delegates for police-population cohesion, as well as the study for the establishment of a new local police station.

72 positions created in the municipal police

Measures which partly respond to the demands of Mayor Pierre Hurmic, who deplored in April in our columns «un grand silence XXL» from the State on the signing of the CSI, despite several reminders made by the city to the ministry and an exchange with Gérald Darmanin during his visit to Bordeaux in February. Since his election, the mayor of Bordeaux has also requested the assignment of a permanent CRS company in order to ensure the security of the metropolis.

One of the stumbling blocks which seemed to prevent the signing of the CSI was the financing of video surveillance (up 58% in Bordeaux since 2020). This being mainly used by the judicial police, which is the responsibility of the State, the municipality pushed for the prefecture to ensure a greater part of these investments. The mayor of Bordeaux also wanted recruitment “in the same net proportions” than what is done for municipal police officers, “taking into account retirements and transfers”. On this point, he won his case.

Opposed to arming the municipal police, on the grounds that their objective is to ensure tranquility and not public security, which is the responsibility of the national police, environmentalists have also taken several concrete measures these recent years, as part of the city’s prerogatives, such as the creation of additional municipal police positions (there will be 210 in 2026 compared to only 138 in 2020). The town hall has also created an anti-incivility brigade, deployed 60 new cameras in the streets and reinforced municipal police patrols in the evenings and weekends.

The signing of the CSI is an opportunity for the mayor of Bordeaux to once again mark his difference and to tackle his opponents who criticize him for his record in this area, by showing that environmentalists take the issue of security in Bordeaux very seriously. . “Intellectual laziness likes to pit the supposed right-wing pragmatists, proponents of an impassive order of firmness, on one side and the gentle dreamers of the left on the other.”explains Pierre Hurmic to Figaro. “The subject is much more complex than this caricatured and lazy vision might suggest.”



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