Blagnac. Inauguration of the cycle path to Meett

Blagnac. Inauguration of the cycle path to Meett
Blagnac. Inauguration of the cycle path to Meett

A peloton of around ten cyclists joined the Meett yesterday morning on a new route, recently converted into a cycle path, from the swimming pool car park in Blagnac. Made up of elected officials and metropolitan employees, the group symbolically inaugurated this new route, described as bucolic, which aims to ultimately connect Matabiau station to the event support site. The mayor of Blagnac, Joseph Carles, was pleased to recall the accelerated genesis of the project: “When we knew that a European bicycle show, “Prodays”, was going to be held at the Meett, it seemed essential to us to be able to do so. join on two wheels, it is actually achieved today, while it takes place there from June 23 to 25. The route is established from the current Blagnac network.

A statement carefully completed by Jean-Claude Dardelet, vice-president of Toulouse Metropole and president of the attractiveness agency: “The EAIE (European Association for International Education), a non-profit European center in the field of the internationalization of higher education, is bringing together a fair, from September 17 to 20. One of the leaders is president of an association of Dutch cyclists and therefore, it is a great opportunity to connect the world. Matabiau station at Meett in soft mode, today’s 9 km will eventually become 15 from Matabiau The total cost of the work amounts to €850,000 And this will also be beneficial to other events such as the Saint-Michel festival. “, he rejoiced. Alienor Olivier, in charge of the construction at the west pole of the Metropolis, described the operations: “The road work was completed at the end of March, supplemented by signage on the ground and the installation of specific signage, all that remains is to install wooden rails along grassy paths, to avoid the passage of agricultural machinery when crossing the market garden plain.

One more rung in Aeroconstellation, in addition to the REV (express bicycle network) whose Beauzelle branch (Rev1) is currently being finished and the just finished connection between Cornebarrieu and Aussonne, pending its extension from Aussonne to Meett.



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