LEGISLATIVE: Opponents of the Venice II real estate project challenge Océane Godard

LEGISLATIVE: Opponents of the Venice II real estate project challenge Océane Godard
LEGISLATIVE: Opponents of the Venice II real estate project challenge Océane Godard

Several activists are close to the Insoumis or the Greens in particular, parties which are members of the New Popular Front, represented by Océane Godard in the first constituency of Côte-d’Or. “Madame Godard, you can save the banks of the Suzon!”, they claim.

Press release from the Save the banks of Suzon collective of June 24, 2024:

Carrier of the values ​​and the ecological program of the New Popular Front, you declared that a reflection should open in the event of a new deliberation on the Venice-2 real estate project. You can prevent the destruction of the banks of the Suzon by opposing the sale of the land to the developer in the Municipal Council. You will be followed by two-thirds of the municipal majority, who have remained faithful to the left-wing values, which François Rebsamen betrayed.

For 2 years now, the Sauvons les berges du Suzon collective, supported by numerous associations, has been fighting against the Venise-2 real estate project whose construction would destroy the Suzon Urban Biodiversity Reserve, a 3-hectare natural space north of Dijon, including 1 hectare property of the City of Dijon.

Seized by our collective, the Administrative Court recently annulled the deliberation of the Dijon Municipal Council of June 27, 2022, tainted by irregularity, which provided for the sale of the City’s land to the developer.

After announcing it to the press, the Mayor of Dijon has still not appealed this decision. Does this mean that he is instead planning to present a new deliberation (better structured this time!?) at a future session of the Municipal Council? What will then be the position of the elected representatives of the majority who all voted in 2022 (you too!) for the destruction of this island of freshness?

Questioned three days ago by a representative of our collective about your position in the event of a new deliberation, you declared: “I will be aligned with the values” and “given the context there will be a reflection which will open”. This is a first encouraging sign!

As a candidate nominated by the New Popular Front in the first constituency of Côte-d’Or, where the Suzon Urban Biodiversity Reserve is located, you are the depositary of the values ​​and proposals of the legislative contract which provides, among other things , “conservation of biodiversity” and “defense of agricultural and natural areas”.

It has not escaped you that since the European elections, the Mayor of Dijon has been more politically isolated than ever, with two-thirds of his deputies having remained faithful to the social and environmental values ​​of the left, which he betrayed. from 2017 by joining forces with Macron.

In the event of a new deliberation presented to the Dijon Municipal Council by the Rebsamen/Koenders tandem to sell the land to the promoter of Venise-2, you will be able to have a decisive influence on this file, even more so if you are elected as the new deputy of Suzon!

By opposing this deliberation to refuse the destruction of the Suzon Urban Biodiversity Reserve, you will be taking a strong action and will bring a large majority of the Municipal Council behind you, to save the banks of the Suzon!

We are counting on you.

Collective Let’s save the banks of the Suzon

A “human chain” to contest a real estate project on the banks of the Suzon

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