Nicknamed “The little Versailles of Bigorre”, this site is under construction: here is the project

Nicknamed “The little Versailles of Bigorre”, this site is under construction: here is the project
Nicknamed “The little Versailles of Bigorre”, this site is under construction: here is the project


Hugues-Olivier Dumez

Published on

June 24, 2024 at 7:02 a.m.

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Its classic facades have an appearance more like a palace than a monastery! Nicknamed “ The little Versailles of Bigorre », the ancient Benedictine abbey of Saint-Sever-de-Rustan is a protected site under the historical monuments.

A “monumental” project

In partnership with the department of Hautes-Pyrénées and the Community of Communes Adour Madiran, the SOS Territorial Action Group has – since March 2023 – been responsible for managing this third place to become. Objective: to develop new uses for the abbey (workshops, shops, exhibition areas for craftsmen, etc.).

For its part, the Acta Vista association, specializing in construction sites and the inclusion of people far from employment, is restoring this 11th century monument. Twelve people, supervised by professionals from the association, are currently employed and trained on the site. This integration project was inaugurated on June 14, 2024 in the presence of Michel Pélieupresident of the Hautes-Pyrénées department.

“They train in a farmhouse adjacent to the abbey, training in the trade of mason for old buildings,” explains Alise Franck, responsible for the future third place, for the SOS Action territoriale Group. “They build walls made of pebbles, clay and lime. Inside the abbey, they remove the coatings and coverings from the walls which date from the 19th century with very small shovels, to reach the original wall. »

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“Entire parts of the abbey are in ruins”

In addition, carpenters, joiners, cabinetmakers and electricians are also mobilized. “In total, around 25 people are involved in this monumental project,” continues Alise Franck. “Entire parts of the abbey are in ruins. »

The timetable for the completion of the work is unknown at this time. The abbey represents some 4,600 m2 of building! The church was not deconsecrated. “There are still religious ceremonies, including weddings, baptisms, etc.,” she explains. “During the Revolution, the abbey, however, became a public property. Since 2011, the Abbey of Saint-Sever-de-Rustan has belonged to the department of Hautes-Pyrénées. »

“The little Versailles of Bigorre”?

Nicknamed “The little Versailles of Bigorre”, the abbey had two large wings (only one remains) with a central pavilion,” underlines Alise Franck. “There was also an inner courtyard and a large golden gate. » For the record, this heritage enthusiast says that the marble located in the church was originally intended for the construction of the Palace of Versailles. “The bishop at the time had obtained an exemption. »

The abbey is currently being renovated. (©Alise FRANCK)

Currently, guided tours are organized on site and cultural programming is offered inside the site. “We want to bring other activities,” says Alise Franck. “The project is to make the abbey an economic hub, a bustling zone around artistic crafts. »

A sound and light show

In the meantime, several appointments have already been announced. The Albiciacum sound and light show (the Latin name of the village of Saint-Sever-de-Rustan) will take place this year from July 26 to 29, 2024. “This show is grandiose! There are battles with musketeers, vintage vehicles, etc. In total, 200 volunteers are involved in this show. »

The “Albiciacum” show, a sound and light show organized every year. (©Alise FRANCK)

From July 22 to August 4, a craft store will be set up. “Souvenirs from the abbey, 100% handmade, will be sold on this occasion,” she concludes. And that’s just the beginning !

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