Beaune Legislative 5th District – Launch of the campaign this Saturday noon of the New Popular Front: an alliance for a fairer society

Beaune Legislative 5th District – Launch of the campaign this Saturday noon of the New Popular Front: an alliance for a fairer society
Beaune Legislative 5th District – Launch of the campaign this Saturday noon of the New Popular Front: an alliance for a fairer society

In the 5th constituency, the New Popular Front is an alliance between Jérôme Flache, former mayor of Nolay and member of the PCF, and Carole Bernhard, elected opposition ecologist in Beaune and community councilor. Their campaign is focused on the theme “For a fairer society”, aiming to improve the living conditions of rural and urban residents, particularly in terms of public services.

This Saturday noon, the Saint-Jacques de Beaune district, where the alternate candidate Carole Bernhard resides, hosted the launch of the New Popular Front campaign. Supporters and residents gathered to listen to the candidates’ intentions. Carole Bernhard chose this popular district which “like many other municipalities, saw the National Rally come first and is characterized by a high abstention rate”. She underlined the importance of mobilizing abstainers and restoring their confidence by sending a message of hope and mobilization to residents: “ We are personalities anchored in the territories, with a desire to listen to them and raise their issues at the national level ».

Harsh criticism of opponents
Jérôme Flache did not mince his words against their political opponents. He denounced the “ Macronist system which gave gifts to the rich while putting pressure on others “. He asserted that the means to maintain public services were insufficient and that the dematerialization of services created a harmful distance. He insisted on the need to increase resources and maintain public services everywhere.
He also spoke out against the far right, recalling the history of the National Rally and criticizing its leaders. “ We no longer want the National Rally. It is crucial to remember that we tried this kind of politics before between 1940 and 1944. This party was founded by unsavory people, some of whom were former collaborators. Today they are trying to present a more respectable image, but it is only a veneer that is starting to crack. We refuse a far-right policy that divides people, led by RN leaders living in the chic suburbs of Paris and seeking to overturn the table, while we wish to build a better future. »

An alliance for a better distribution of wealth
With its candidacy, the New Popular Front aims to bring together all people sharing left-wing ideas, as evidenced by its alliance with the ecologist Carole Bernhard. They advocate a better distribution of individual wealth for a dignified life, as well as a fair distribution for businesses, excluding multinationals. They insist on the need for a balance between producers and mass distribution.
« Farmers are not bounty hunters. They need the CAP to live and will be delighted the day they can do without it. All workers only want to live with dignity from their work. We must also ensure a better distribution of collective and natural wealth to make the world more livable, in particular by protecting water resources. »

The candidates
Aged 53, son of a farmer, engineer working in industry, Jérôme Flache is the former mayor of Nolay and still a municipal councilor in this town where he has lived for 25 years. An activist within different left-wing families, he is today the PCF candidate for the New Popular Front. For him, it is about redistributing wealth in the most equitable way possible, recalling that “ since Macron, the most precarious are even more precarious and the rich even more so “. He affirms that their candidacy is legitimate and that they will carry the voice of the people as far as possible. “ Together, we propose an ideal, and although this may qualify us as utopians, our goal is to build a more just society. We are proud to be French, the country of human rights, and we aspire to a society where everyone has their place. »
Aged 48, school director, ecological and community municipal elected official, Carole Bernhard brings an ecological and social perspective to the campaign.

The program
For a fairer society, the New Popular Front proposes:
– Better distribution of individual wealth so that everyone can live properly.
– A fair distribution of collective wealth with accessible public services.
– The protection of natural resources for a livable world today and tomorrow.
They also want to rebalance commercial relations between large retailers and producers but also between multinationals and SMEs, in order to promote local life.
The candidates will be present all week in the constituency’s markets to meet voters and discuss their program.

Jeannette Monarchi

For more information, visit their site.
During the 2022 elections, Isabelle de Almeida (PCF/NUPES) obtained 19.66% of the votes. This new alliance between the PCF and environmentalists aims to strengthen their electoral position and offer a political alternative in the 5th constituency of Côte-d’Or, which includes the cantons of Arnay-le-Duc, Beaune, Brazey-en- Plaine and Nuits-Saint-Georges.



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