Near Tonneins, a notary accused of embezzlement and forgery

Near Tonneins, a notary accused of embezzlement and forgery
Near Tonneins, a notary accused of embezzlement and forgery


Editorial team Le Républicain Marmande

Published on

June 23, 2024 at 12:04 p.m.

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The list of what the justice system accuses them of is long. A notary from Port-Sainte-Marie (Lot-et-Garonne) and his partner – also his collaborator – were indicted and placed under judicial supervision this Friday, June 21, 2024. They are prohibited from practicing any notary activity while awaiting trial.

Forgery, laundering, embezzlement…

The notary was my in exam pour :

  • false in public writing or authentic by a person charged with a public service mission
  • use of this fake
  • embezzlement of public funds
  • breach of trust by public or ministerial officer
  • aggravated bleaching

His partner, for her part, is indicted for complicity.

These two indictments are the culmination of “a long-term investigation” as indicated the prosecutor, Olivier Naboulet, in a press release. Investigation carried out by the Agen research section.

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The judge of freedoms decided to leave the two accused free, under judicial supervision, despite the requisitions of the prosecutor for placement in pre-trial detention. However, they have a series of obligations to respect.

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