Arles-sur-Tech – On the way to the third flower

Arles-sur-Tech – On the way to the third flower
Arles-sur-Tech – On the way to the third flower

Bins of petunias, begonias, gauras and cosmos brighten up the surroundings of the new pharmacy, the Avall square and the square: “The merchants have agreed to take charge of wateringexplains this Friday, June 21, Stéphanie Martin, general director of services. Usually, we also flower the entrances to the village, but for water, we are always on heightened alert.”

Bougainvillea, jasmine, Virginia creeper, wisteria, honeysuckle and thyme decorate the shade made by ironworker Bruno Vidal. The town hall had received its second flower from the Towns and Villages in Bloom. However, among the criteria to be respected to obtain the third that the municipal team would like to obtain, it is requested to create urban landscapes. The jury team who came to visit the city was enchanted by the magnificent space of the Place du Couvent and the Placette de l’Aire. This achievement now forms an exceptional ensemble with the town hall park, the Palau and its square. The environment close to the city was also visited. The Buis fountain was developed and the clearing carried out after the footbridge, highlighted the promenade and preserved the fruit trees planted by the previous municipality.

On the other hand, the planting in the ground and the mulching of the soil put in place in the Palau, under the shade house and in the village hall constitute other important criteria. The biodegradability of wood contributes to the enrichment of the earth and the reduction of temperatures intensified with mineral ground covers: “We are going to let the grass grow, upstream of the village on the banks of the Nationale, continues Stéphanie. It’s for biodiversity. At the swimming pool, we installed a synthetic covering. Water savings and maintenance determined this choice.”.

Finally, residents contribute to the beauty of the village by decorating their homes with flowers.



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