a fun Sea Festival this year

a fun Sea Festival this year
a fun Sea Festival this year

On the Esplanade de la Liberté, the associations prepared something to warm up on Saturday noon.

Nathalie Guironnet

If to deal with the sea fleas you had to get up early, on the Liberty Esplanade, the “Casetas del Mar” offered something to have a bite to eat, to warm up and even a rather festive atmosphere, despite the obligatory raincoats. .

A group of Tyrosse had made the trip, and the smells of paella or fried food quickly brought the guests to the table, or rather leaning on the bars, sheltered under the barnums installed for the occasion.

The “Casetas del mar” offered something to snack on, warm up and even a rather festive atmosphere.

Nathalie Guironnet

Next to the Casino, the Tyrosse band took care of the musical entertainment.

Nathalie Guironnet

Sunday’s program

This Sunday, June 23, under warmer skies, traditional rowing demonstrations are organized in the channel and the port, by the neighboring association of Euskal Arrauak Baiona.

At 11 a.m., a mass in tribute to the missing sailors will take place at Place Lou Chaque Dit. And from 2:30 p.m., you can visit the rescue station of the National Sea Rescue Society (SNSM), quai du Bourret. We will also sing, with the Shantéona choir, to the sounds of the accordion and guitars, and in French, Basque, Spanish, even Portuguese.

Last year, the sea trip, which is to take place this Sunday, attracted several thousand spectators.

Archives Isabelle Louvier / SO

Finally, at 3:30 p.m., it will be time for boats to board and depart from the Port House. The fishermen will welcome the public aboard their fishing boats for the crown toss at sea, subject, of course, to weather conditions and boarding availability.



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