The weather forecast for Friday June 21, 2024 in Beaune and its surroundings

The weather forecast for Friday June 21, 2024 in Beaune and its surroundings
The weather forecast for Friday June 21, 2024 in Beaune and its surroundings

This Friday, June 21, Beaune will dawn under overcast weather, but temperatures will be mild. Drizzle is forecast between 6 a.m. and 10 a.m. The wind force will be between 10 and 25 km/h, and it will blow from the North-East, then turn to the South-West towards the beginning of the morning. Gusts could reach 50 km/h. The mercury will remain stable at 19°C.

In the afternoon, the thermometer will rise around 3 p.m. to reach 22°C, then drop at the end of the afternoon to 20°C. The wind will remain between 25 and 45 km/h, and its direction will be inconsistent. In bursts, it can exceed 80 km/h. The sky will be mostly overcast.

This evening, the weather will become cloudy around 6 p.m. and clear completely around mid-evening. Drizzle between 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. as well as rain in the middle of the evening are expected. The mercury will gradually drop to 16°C around 11 p.m., while the wind force will gradually diminish throughout the evening, reaching around 10 km/h. 75 km/h can be reached in bursts. It will be in the western sector, before settling in the southwest around 10 p.m.

Overall, skies will be mostly very cloudy overnight. The wind will move around 15 km/h, while the thermometer will remain consistent at 16°C. The wind will become southerly around 5 a.m.

On Saturday, the temperature will be low for this time of year: it will rise to a maximum of 17°C (from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.) and a minimum of 12°C (around 11 p.m.). The weather will be mainly overcast, with drizzle in the morning but also light rain in the evening.

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