Double for Gurgy, supremacy for Charmoy… Find the results of the finals of the Coupes de l’Yonne 2024, in Sens

Double for Gurgy, supremacy for Charmoy… Find the results of the finals of the Coupes de l’Yonne 2024, in Sens
Double for Gurgy, supremacy for Charmoy… Find the results of the finals of the Coupes de l’Yonne 2024, in Sens

The René-Binet complex in Sens hosted the finals of the 2024 Yonne Football Cups this Saturday, June 15. Discover all the results of the day, from the U13 to senior categories.

Launched at 10 a.m., this unmissable event for Icaunais football, this year in Sens, concluded around 9:30 p.m., with the coronation of AS Gurgy (D1) in the Men’s Yonne Cup, after its logical victory at the expense of ES Appoigny B (D2). Already champions of D1, the Gurgycois have had a historic season, with no defeats on the clock on departmental grounds.

Heading to Sens for the 2024 departmental cup finals

Facing valiant Eponian reservists, first in their D2 group, Fabien Correur’s protégés needed a half-time to gain the upper hand. Those promoted to Regional 3 passed the second after returning from the locker room, with three goals in the space of a quarter of an hour, signed Lucas Trameau (55th), Mathis Lefort (70th) and Corentin Jacquot (71st). Mathis Lefort even added his double to complete the Gurgy success (83rd, 4-0).

Beaten last year in the Coupe de l’Yonne final by FC Sens C, US Varennes (D1) won the Coupe Prével, dominating (2-1) FR Tanlay (D3), during a remake of the 2022 final.The Charmoy women’s team, although led (0-1) at the break by Monéteau, retained its position among the seniors at 8, after a one-sided second period for a spectacular 6-2.

The results of the 2024 Yonne Cup finals

U13. Elite: Appoigny 0-2 AJ Auxerre; Hope: Gurgy 1-7 Charbuy/Fleury; Excellence: Saint-Fargeau 2-1 UF Tonnerrois.
U15. Yonne Cup: Stade Auxerrois 0-1 FC Sens; Challenger: Héry 1-1 (4-5 in tab) Aillant.
U13/15 women’s. Joigny 1-12 AJA-Stade Auxerrois.
U18. Yonne Cup: Appoigny 0-0 (6-7 in tab) Joigny; Challenger: Toucy 0-4 Hery.
Senior women. Yonne Cup: Monéteau 2-6 Charmoy; Consoling: Chevannes 2-2 (3-2 in tab) Gurgy.
Prevel Cup. Tanlay (D3) 1-2 Varennes (D1).
Yonne Cup. Appoigny B (D2) 0-4 Gurgy (D1).

Florent Leybros



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