Her Blablacar passengers are mysterious packages: she ends up at the Le Havre police station

Her Blablacar passengers are mysterious packages: she ends up at the Le Havre police station
Her Blablacar passengers are mysterious packages: she ends up at the Le Havre police station


Marie Lemaistre

Published on

June 25, 2024 at 7:02 a.m.

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It was his first experience inasmuch as Blablacar driver. “Usually, I go home to my parents by train, but here I needed to pick up my car from them for this summer,” says Capucine, contacted by 76-.

To make the return journey from Provins, in Seine-et-Marne, to Le Havre (Seine-Maritime), profitable, the 19-year-old student is thinking of the famous Blablacar carpooling application.

Boxes of sandwich bread as passengers

D-day, Sunday June 16, 2024, four people booked the trip from the south-east of Paris. First stop, Argenteuil, in Val d’Oise. Direction the prefectural town of Cergy to pick up the second passenger, with whom she had no no exchange before morning.

“She calls me, very aggressive on the phone: ‘Where are you?!’ and asks me to get it back, At her placenot far from the meeting point.” Naturally affable, Capucine accepts. “It’s not something common on the application, it should have made me wonder about the rest.”

At the bottom of her building, a circle of public housing, the traveler goes down, still very dry, claiming to have to retrieve her suitcase from her trunk. “She only communicated by call or text, not through the app. » In her trunk, instead of a suitcase, Capucine finds herself facing “ two huge boxes ». “And that’s where she forcefully gives me her packages. » Loading them herself into the little 207, one in the trunk, the other in the back seat.

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The stranger furtively shows him the contents: some white bread, then the tape again. “And then she says to me: ‘The boxes are going to Le Havre but not me, I gave your number to my sister, she gets them back.’ ‘Thank you goodbye.’ Until the end, she behaved as if I was going to have her as a passenger. »

Stunned, Capucine leaves. “I don’t react too much, she’s 45, I’m 19, she was unpleasant and I don’t know how to say no. On the one hand, I was relieved not to have him in the car. »

A detour to the Le Havre police station

Resumption of the planned route. Direction Rouen with the passenger from Argenteuil. She has to drop her off then pick up two other passengers. During the road, the two women talk. “She didn’t go out, didn’t see the packages, and advised me to call the police just in case. »

For the record, in Rouen, as a third passenger, the driver found herself having to transport an oboe to Le Havre. “She was in good faith, I didn’t say anything. » Finally, get on the last passenger, for once, full of flesh and blood. “She also advises me to call the police station. » What Capucine finally does, after putting her down. “I was especially afraid of disturbing people. Finally, I got yelled at over the phone. I explain how it happened, it was so lunar. » “Dismayed”, the police officer told him to go to the police station immediately.

“I parked haphazardly, across the side of the police station because he told me to come quickly,” she laughs. The policeman came to the door himself: “He said to me: ‘Are you the Blablacar?’ and took me to the courtyard of the police station. » The story is “so ridiculous” that very quickly, “at least” ten police officers found themselves around the vehicle.

All the boxes are opened, each package is felt, the car is photographed from every angle. ” It was long “. Contacted, the police commissioner of Le Havre, Julien Herbaut, confirmed this story with 76-. “The young girl came to the police station, she was worried. The usual checks were carried out, the doubt could be resolved. »

Summary of the races, it is indeed sandwich bread, a priori Nigerian. “The police told me that I had the right instinct to come. They advise me to deliver them to the station as planned and to say that I was checked by customs, hence my delay. »

Illegal transport of goods

Leaving home at 8:30 a.m., it is after 3 p.m. when Capucine arrives at the station. “After 20 minutes, the sister still hasn’t arrived, she calls me and says: ‘Come to Pré Fleury, at the terminus of tram B’, so very far away. » “At the end,” Capucine warns her. “If it doesn’t arrive, I’ll leave them on the road. At 4:30 p.m., I had to be at the Poulailler for a theater show,” specifies the actress.

New exchange with the sister, still absent subscribers. “I end up saying that the boxes are waiting for him on the sidewalk and I hang up. I dumped them greedily, anyway, it was too heavy for anyone to take them. »

Finally come explanations with the stranger from Cergy. “She told me on the phone that it was a declared business, from what I understood, she is the one who makes them, but it is her way of delivering them that is the problem. » The latter ended up thanking her, her sister having been able to collect the packages. “For once, she was nice on the phone. »

Capucine writes a thread on X about this story the next day.

Following this thread, Blablacar approached her. ” Apparently, it was not legal. She had to travel with the package in the car. » Failing to have amortized her trip – “in total, I got 21 euros, I was wrong about the prices since it was my first race” – Capucine learned lessons from it. “I was stupid, but given the way it happened, I don’t know how I could have reacted otherwise,” she judges.

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