“MenchOsint”, a strange anti-Moroccan Twitter account that exhibits a pro-Algerian leaning

“MenchOsint”, a strange anti-Moroccan Twitter account that exhibits a pro-Algerian leaning
“MenchOsint”, a strange anti-Moroccan Twitter account that exhibits a pro-Algerian leaning

Under the pretext of tracking certain air traffic flights, “MenchOsint”, an intelligence account of open source origin, publishes in real time the geolocation of Moroccan aircraft with tendentious or defamatory comments.

Ostensibly, it broadcasts data transmitted by ADS-B transponders fitted to Moroccan and other aircraft. In practice, he mocks the Arab countries that signed peace treaties with Israel and exalts Algeria, as demonstrated in his archives and this post dating from May: “Algeria has nothing to fear, it dominates the entire Mediterranean with its naval fleet and air defense systems. If a neighboring country dares to defy it, it would suffer a terrible fate.” His publications are widely covered by media outlets reputed to be close to official Algerian circles.

During the night from Sunday to Monday, “MenchOsint” published the route of four Moroccan Lockheed C-130 Hercules which took off from the Kenitra base, insinuating, in the process, that the carriers would be engaged in the conflict in Gaza. In fact, the King of Morocco Mohammed VI announced, on June 24, 40 tons of humanitarian aid transported by land from Tel Aviv airport. This batch, transferred to the Kerem Shalom crossing point, was taken care of by the Palestinian authorities. Confused, “MenchOsint” argues that “only Muslim countries allied with Israel are authorized to airdrop or deliver via Tel Aviv: Jordan, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Morocco. They are indirectly/directly financing the genocide, and the suffering will not end with bandages and water bottles, but rather with political pressure.. Political pressures? Direct allusion to Algerian gesticulations at the Security Council.

With 454 subscriptions, 46,300 subscribers, and just under 18,700 messages written since its registration on the social network in August 2022, “MenchOsint” presents all the appearances of a simple open source intelligence account, except that the Information concerning Morocco, published at a rapid pace, is generally oriented in a polemical manner, especially when it concerns areas linked to national security, law enforcement or economic intelligence.

While “MenchOsint” multiplies laudatory comments in favor of the Algerian fever towards Gaza, it is in reality the American ceasefire plan which received the support of the UN Security Council. The text, asserting that Israel has “accepted” this plan, urged Hamas to “accept it so that it can be applied without delay and without conditions”. Washington even rejected several draft resolutions secretly encouraged by Algeria, criticizing unilateral calls from the Council and unbalanced texts.

“Flight tracking” account which documents the movements of planes or a propaganda account? “MenchOsint” is in any case engaged in an offensive posture in cyberspace against countries known for belonging to the Western camp, including Morocco. Attacks probably controlled by Algeria and other powers with little concern for maintaining the integrity of digital networks, for cold hard cash, according to those familiar with the matter.



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