Video. We visited the house overlooked by Téléo, on sale at an unbeatable price in Toulouse

Video. We visited the house overlooked by Téléo, on sale at an unbeatable price in Toulouse
Video. We visited the house overlooked by Téléo, on sale at an unbeatable price in Toulouse


Marie Lamarque

Published on

June 25, 2024 at 5:38 a.m.

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As you enter its impressive wooded garden which overlooks the Garonne, all you can hear is the singing of birds and the sound of the water. The setting clashes with the view from the living room of this astonishing house, which is up for sale at auction, in Toulouse, from this Tuesday, June 25, 2024.

Because it’s impossible for potential buyers to miss the incessant ballet of the Téléo cabins, the longest urban cable car in France, which pass above the roof… and the swimming pool! Enough to make this sale one of the most surprising of the year. Toulouse News shows you around.

Large garden, swimming pool, four bedrooms…

A house of 150 m² surrounded by a very large wooded garden of more than 4,000 m² which extends to the edge of the Garonne. A large living room of 80 m², four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a swimming pool. A stone’s throw from Pech-David hill and its impressive viewpoint. All for an unbeatable price displayed at 310 000 euros ! It’s enough to rub your eyes.

A property estimated at 310,000 euros. (©Marie Lamarque / - Toulouse)

But now, we must also take into account the flight over the cable car which passes approximately 50 meters above this house, located on Chemin des Étroits.

A cabin every two minutes

At a speed of 20 km/h, “ a cabin passes every two minutes in each direction” , underlines Vincent Conanproject director at Tisseo Ingénierie.

Suffice to say that the passages are continuous… or almost. “The Téléo cable car operates from 5 a.m. until midnight:30 in the summer; and until 10 p.m. outside. » There are also “two weeks of downtime per year, in August” for maintenance operations.


It was in 2016 that Tisséo, public transport operator in Toulouse, contacted the former (and very recent) owners of this house, informing them of the Téléo construction project. “We explained to them why Téléo had to go full axis, to be in contact with the metro station [Université Paul-Sabatier, NDLR]”, recalls Vincent Conan, project director for Tisséo Ingénierie.
After agreement, in 2019, Tisséo bought the property for 700,000 euros, a price well below the estimate made by the Domaines service (at 310,000 euros for the current sale). “Five years later, we are in another context with the passage of the cable car.” “This impacts 10 to 15% of the value of the property,” adds the notary firm in charge of the sale.
Once the owner, Tisséo thought at the time that it could use the plot to build “temporary support” for the Téléo cable and to complete the project’s environmental compensation measures. Two measures which ultimately did not concern the said plot.

Teleo: visual pollution, but not noise

The lines are particularly visible from the entrance courtyard of the house, but also from the swimming pool and the view from the living room. The pollution is very visual, but not very audible. Because you have to listen carefully to distinguish slight crackling noises when passing through the cabins with tinted windows.

The swimming pool, also overlooked by the Téléo cable car. (©Marie Lamarque / - Toulouse)

On board, you can certainly clearly see the house and its swimming pool… if you pay attention. Will travelers tend to look at the landscape in the distance rather than what passes beneath their feet? The question is valid.

Already around fifteen visits

Is this enough to put off informed visitors? Not really according to the notary firm in charge of the file: “we have already carried out around fifteen visits. We notice the cable car for 20 seconds, and then we move on. It is a house, close to the city center, which has its qualities. No longer inhabited since 2019, it needs to be refreshed. The estimated price also takes into account the amount of work which will be the responsibility of the buyers.

One of the assets of this property, its idyllic setting, on the banks of the Garonne. (©Marie Lamarque / - Toulouse)

“What bothers me is not Téléo”

While there, we realize that other nuisances, more noise this time, must be taken into account, with the passage of planes and the heavy traffic on Chemin des Étroits. And this is perhaps what could lead the curious to reconsider their offer.

Friday June 21, 2024 was the last day to visit the property. Among those present, there was Jean, a neighbor of this unusual house, who came to visit it for a couple of friends who live in Bordeaux and who could buy it: “what bothers me is not Téléo, it It’s more the noise of the road and this large garden which requires a lot of maintenance. You also have to take into account the necessary work, around 80,000 euros,” he estimates.

Auctioned from June 25

So, will the house hovered over by the Téléo cable car find a buyer? Answer in a few days, since it will be presented during a interactive auction which will last from Tuesday June 25, 2024 at 4 p.m. until the next day, Wednesday June 26, 2024, at 4 p.m. (bid closing time). And only people who have come to visit the property will be able to participate.

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