Loire-Atlantique: Noémie saved two kittens abandoned on a dual carriageway

Loire-Atlantique: Noémie saved two kittens abandoned on a dual carriageway
Loire-Atlantique: Noémie saved two kittens abandoned on a dual carriageway


Marion Valley

Published on

June 16, 2024 at 8:40 a.m.

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She posted a video on her Facebook account. We hear her out of breath, we see her trembling. Noémie has just saved two kittens abandoned on the 2×2 lane RD723, between Saint-Jean de Boiseau and La Montagne. It took him two days to find his siblings.

An abandonment

Helped by Christelle, another volunteer from Urgence Maltraitance Animale 44, Linda, Christine and Marco, Boiséens, alerted via a video posted on social networks, the activist stayed from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m., Monday June 10, at the exit Indret / Le Montagne.

It was at 1 p.m. Tuesday June 11 that she was finally relieved. “I found the second kitten. I am very happy, I will be able to take him to safety and treat him, because he is sick. Thank you to those who helped me,” she says, in one of her videos, dressed in a yellow vest, the second kitten in her hands.

For the Boiséenne, there is no doubt that it is an abandonment.

The two kittens are in foster care with Noémie. Once cared for, they will be put up for adoption. ©Photo sent by Noémie.

First rescue in Sainte-Pazanne

Today, both kittens are doing well. Noémie took them into her home, as a host family within the Urgence Maltraitance Animale (Uma) association. It’s been four years since the 29-year-old Boisée became a volunteer there. A bit by chance.

I was walking my dog ​​in Sainte-Pazanne when a motorist threw a kitten out of his window. I had no choice but to save him! I called all the associations I knew; Uma responded. But there was no room for this cat. That’s how I became a host family. »

Noémie, volunteer and receptionist at Uma

This cat, which Noémie named Chance, is available for adoption, but still lives with the young woman. “She is disabled and needs medication. Today, it is the association which covers all costs. We have nothing to advance if we go to partner veterinarians: there are some in Pont Saint-Martin, Machecoul, Saint-Père. »

Videos: currently on Actu

Peak dropouts

“Chance” was his first rescue. Since then, there have been many others… Around ten kittens, three cats and all those that she collected herself without calling on the association. “There is a shortage of host families at Uma,” assures the woman who already has eight cats and a dog at home. However, in the department, there are 400 volunteers! »

Spring is the peak of births among felines… And therefore of abandonments. “I fight for the sterilization of cats and their identification. It should be remembered that giving an unidentified animal (chipped or tattooed) is illegal and punishable by a fine. And it’s easier to get rid of an unidentified animal…”

If you want to become a host family, go to the website: https://urgencemaltraitanceanimale.fr/In case of emergency: 07 81 18 13 93.

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