Avranches: a rally against the extreme right

Avranches: a rally against the extreme right
Avranches: a rally against the extreme right


Auria Boukar

Published on

June 16, 2024 at 11:09 a.m.

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Around a hundred opponents of the far right gathered on Saturday June 15, 2024 in Avranches and in several cities in France.

Less than a week after the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly and the historic result of the RN in the European elections, unions, associations and the left-wing coalition of the “New Popular Front” called to take to the streets this weekend .

Democracy “in danger”

The demonstrators gathered in particular because they believe that the democracy is in danger “. “We must not be at the mercy of the extreme right.” They call for “blocking the extreme right”.

The National Rally maintains fear of foreigners. These immigrant workers make their contribution to the French economy

indicates the general secretary of the local union of the CGT of Granville Jérôme Saint-Maxent indicates that

The new Popular Front whose candidacy for the legislative elections is carried by Patrick Grimbert on the Avranches-Granville district, indicated that this alliance “carries democratic and secular values ​​and peace (…). We must win for precarious workers.”

A citizen picnic

The next day, in Granville, the citizen collective organizes a picnic, Sunday June 16 at 1 p.m., in the Val ès fleurs park, to support the Popular Front for legislative elections.

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