Follow the 2024 Legislative Elections in Guyana the 1st

After the European elections and the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly by the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, Guyana the 1time deploys an exceptional system for the legislative elections. On linear channels as in digital offers, our teams will mobilize to explain, decipher, analyze the issues and provide the keys to understanding this election.



On our website you can find the portrait of each candidate, articles on the issues by constituency as well as educational papers about the campaign.


In our newspapers, pride of place is given to campaign news.


Every evening in the news, a page is dedicated to the 2024 legislative elections with several sections:

  • Campaign news (reports / interviews / briefs)
  • Echoes of the web : we decipher the campaign for you via social networks and the web.
  • Question and answer module with each candidate.

The objective is to better understand the positioning of each candidate on the major issues that are in the pipeline of the National Assembly, their priorities with regard to the issues to be relayed on the national scene.


Time for debate! Our editorial team offers you several highlights:

On the radio

From Monday 06/17 to Thursday 06/27: Bertrand Villeneuve receives several candidates for the legislative elections in our morning through 10 to 15 minute interviews followed by reactions from listeners live.


2 debates will be offered on our channel, one per constituency: Thursday June 20 and Tuesday June 25 at 8:05 p.m. In case of 2th round, a third debate will take place on July 3. The presentation will be given by Nikerson Perdius and Jessy Xavier.



Voting day on the web and on radio

On radio or on the web our teams are mobilizing and will be in several polling stations in the region to offer live inserts in our radio editions from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m. Throughout the day we will be able to report on the evolution of participation and the different atmospheres in the country’s municipalities.

Election evenings

At 7 p.m., focus on current events with Anthony Hilaire reports on the election in Guyana, other local and regional news.

Then it’s time for the election night with Nikerson Perdius, Jessy Xavier and our consultant. On the program: reports, direct, analyzes and interviews.

For her part, Alexandra Silbert will give us the results municipality by municipality from the info corner.



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