Legislative. In Mayenne, Marion Dallais (LFI) “supports” the candidates of the New Popular Front

Legislative. In Mayenne, Marion Dallais (LFI) “supports” the candidates of the New Popular Front
Legislative. In Mayenne, Marion Dallais (LFI) “supports” the candidates of the New Popular Front

The member parties of the New Popular Front (NFP) distributed the nominations, Thursday June 13, 2024, for the early legislative elections of June 30 and July 7. In the third constituency of Mayenne, as in the first, the candidate will come from the Socialist Party (PS), rather than La France insoumise, the Ecologists or the Communist Party.

It will therefore not be Marion Dais, spokesperson for La France insoumise (LFI) in Mayenne and Nupes candidate for the 2022 legislative elections. The day after the European elections and the dissolution of the National Assembly, she affirmed West France that “the only rampart is a united left, which stands as a unit” and saw his candidacy as ” an eventuality “, waiting for “national instructions”.

Read also: MAP. Legislative elections: which party will represent the New Popular Front in your constituency?

“Blocking the far right”

Marion Dais learned that a candidate from the PS would be invested on Thursday evening, and she “understands the decision”. “We had to unite. If it is necessary to have an agreement from the left-wing parties to block the far right, there is no difficulty in ceding the constituency. »

The social security agent “welcomes the new popular front agreement” And “will support all candidates invested in the department”. She is waiting to know the person chosen for the third constituency – “the PS did not communicate” – For “see how to organize the campaign”.



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