Morocco-China: talks in Rabat on strengthening tourism cooperation

Morocco-China: talks in Rabat on strengthening tourism cooperation
Morocco-China: talks in Rabat on strengthening tourism cooperation
By LeSiteinfo with MAP

The Minister of Tourism, Crafts and the Social and Solidarity Economy, Fatim-Zahra Ammor, met on Thursday in Rabat with the Vice Minister of Culture and Tourism of China, Quan Rao, ways to strengthen tourism cooperation between the two countries.

Underlining the importance of cooperative ties and strategic partnership between Morocco and China, in accordance with the vision of the two Heads of State, His Majesty King Mohammed VI, and Chinese President Xi Jinping, the two parties expressed their desire to further develop tourism cooperation, indicates a press release from the Ministry of Tourism, Crafts and the Social and Solidarity Economy.

During these discussions, the Chinese vice-minister recalled the growing appeal of Morocco as a popular destination for Chinese tourists, specifying that new air links between the two countries could stimulate tourist flows between the two destinations, reports the same source. For her part, Ms. Ammor expressed her desire to encourage Chinese tourism investments in Morocco, thus supporting the momentum gained by Morocco, particularly in anticipation of major sporting events.

She also called on Chinese tour operators to further integrate Morocco into their programming, to allow Chinese tourists to discover the diversity of the country’s tourist experiences, including culture, desert and seaside stays. In this context, the organization of missions to China was proposed to promote Morocco to potential investors and major tour operators, the ministry said.

Following this meeting, both parties agreed to consider the creation of a working group responsible for following up on the recommendations made during this session.



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