Young firefighters sections in colleges? • Niort info

Young firefighters sections in colleges? • Niort info
Young firefighters sections in colleges? • Niort info

The Deux-Sèvres Departmental Council voted this Monday, June 24, an additional budget amounting to nine million euros.

The Department wishes to commit these 9 million euros to carry out its solidarity missions. “In this complicated context, our commitment does not weaken”notably indicated declared Coralie Dénoues, president of the Deux-Sèvres Departmental Council, “ We are above all the community of solidarity, it is our responsibility to meet this growing demand for public aid to which we must add the expenses imposed by State decisions. »

RSA bullish trend

This additional envelope is shared between covering the salaries of staff carrying out these solidarity missions, in particular family assistants for whom reception is constantly increasing, the creation of additional places for the reception of unaccompanied minors (UMAs) and young people entrusted to the Department, numbering 1,350, supporting the elderly and/or people with disabilities.

An entry for an additional expenditure of 852,000 euros was adopted to cope with the revaluation of the RSA of 4.6% decided by the State and applicable since April 1.

More and more children in care

“Regarding child protection, as in most departments in France, we are seeing an increase in the number of children entrusted to us”also mentioned Béatrice Largeau, vice-president in charge of solidarity, social cohesion and child protection. “We are also seeing an increase in the complexity of the profiles received, the shortage of provision in terms of psychiatric care and care for young people with disabilities. We also welcome unaccompanied minors (UMAs). We must innovate with the compass of sheltering, quickly and in optimal security conditions, this fragile childhood. »

Youth sections in colleges

The Department is also committed with the Departmental Fire and Rescue Service (SDIS) to work together to strengthen the awareness of middle school students about the different professions of the SDIS, in particular through the integration of the Young Firefighters sections. (JSP) within the colleges themselves.
“Volunteer firefighters play an essential role in the safety of our populations”continues the president. “They are one of the strong links in the chain of solidarity that every region needs on a daily basis. Also, in order to meet the recruitment needs of new volunteer firefighters and to awaken the civic commitment of young Deux-Sévriens, which ambition is at the heart of our priorities, we will carry out from the next school year, in coordination with the National education, a first experiment over the next four school years. Opening a Young Firefighters section integrated into the school curriculum means that many young people will be made aware of volunteering and will thus be able to perpetuate our first aid system, particularly in rural areas. »



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