Openda (Belgium): “When I should go back to finish the work, I will”

Openda (Belgium): “When I should go back to finish the work, I will”
Openda (Belgium): “When I should go back to finish the work, I will”

Loïs Openda (Belgium striker), on his status as Romelu Lukaku’s understudy : “It’s already a pleasure to be here, at the Euro. The coach gives me a lot of confidence to be the second striker here. I have no pressure, now, there you go, Romelu Lukaku is there, he is in front, he does the job. And when I have to go back to finish the work, I will.

When I say that I scored with each of my coaches, I also speak at the club. The only coach with whom I have not yet scored is coach Tedesco (Domenico Tedesco, Belgium coach), but he helps me, he gives me confidence and he also wants me to score these goals. I think it’s not a question of difficulty (to score goals with Belgium)it will happen.

If it has to come during the Euro, it will come. If it’s after the Euro, it will come after the Euro. But I don’t put this pressure on myself to have to score 5 goals at the Euro, or to have to score 10 goals or to absolutely have to score a goal at the Euro. I’m here to help the team. Obviously, by scoring goals it will necessarily help the team better, but I am here to give my all, to represent my country, to go as far as possible and try to achieve something that everyone dreams of. And the goal will come, there is no pressure for that. »



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