Tenancy law: rent disputes have quadrupled

Tenancy law: rent disputes have quadrupled
Tenancy law: rent disputes have quadrupled

The number of rent disputes quadrupled in 2023

Published today at 10:42 a.m.

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Questioned on this subject on Tuesday at the Grand Council by PS deputy Laurent Balsiger, the Vaud Government provided some statistics regarding protests over rent increases. In 2023, their number is “increasing very sharply”, he underlined, notably due to the double increase in the mortgage rate. Thus, the conciliation authority had to process 1019 disputes, compared to 263 in 2022, and 172 in 2021. The three previous years, they fluctuated between 211 and 222.

“The software used by the prefectures to manage the processing of files does not make it possible to statistically distinguish disputes over increases due to changes in the mortgage rate from other rent increases,” explained State Councilor Nuria Gorrite, who represented that day his colleague in charge of housing Christelle Luisier. “In periods of stable or falling mortgage rates, the essential reason for notifying a rent increase is therefore based on major work undertaken in the building. We can therefore reasonably think that for 2023, the share of rent increase disputes due to these major works is within [les] orders of magnitude” of the years 2022 and 2021.

How much of these disputes ended up in favor of the tenant? We cannot know, replied the minister: “Each dispute is the subject of a request which is handled by the competent Conciliation Commission and whose procedure can lead to different outcomes. It is impossible to extract data which would make it possible to determine, for this type of dispute, to what extent one or the other of the parties was successful and in what proportion.

Vincent Maendly has been a journalist in the Vaud section since 2006, as a local in Yverdon-les-Bains and Nyon, before specializing in cantonal politics in 2017. He holds a law degree from the University of Lausanne.More informations @VincentMaendly

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