national savings at 24.3% of GDP in Q1-2024

national savings at 24.3% of GDP in Q1-2024
national savings at 24.3% of GDP in Q1-2024

National savings stood at 24.3% of gross domestic product (GDP) in the first quarter of 2024 instead of 25.6% a year earlier, according to the High Commission for Planning (HCP).

This development takes into account the 4.5% increase in national final consumption in value instead of 8.9% recorded a year previously, explains the HCP in an information note on the national economic situation in the first quarter of 2024 .

Read also: Morocco: money supply increases by 3.7% in Q1-2024

The said note also indicates that with an increase, at current prices, of 3.8% of GDP instead of 11.6% in the first quarter of last year and the drop of 6.4% in net income received from rest of the world, growth in gross national disposable income saw a marked slowdown, going from 12% in the same period last year to 3.1% in the first quarter of 2024.

Gross investment (GFCF, change in stocks and net acquisition of valuables) represented 23.7% of GDP instead of 25.5% during the same quarter of the previous year, which provides a capacity to financing of 0.6% of GDP in the first quarter of 2024 instead of 0.1% of GDP the same period of the previous year.

With MAP



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