Here is the score of Zakia Khattabi (Ecolo) in the 2024 elections: everything you need to know about preference votes

Here is the score of Zakia Khattabi (Ecolo) in the 2024 elections: everything you need to know about preference votes
Here is the score of Zakia Khattabi (Ecolo) in the 2024 elections: everything you need to know about preference votes

The result of the 2024 elections in Belgium

This Sunday, June 9, crucial elections for the future of Belgium were held. Citizens were called to give their votes at the federal, regional and European levels. And for each level of power, Belgians could choose to vote for lists, but also for political figures.

The results of these elections arrived gradually throughout the day of June 9 and the next day: our real-time modules informed you of the electoral results live.

Our “Preference votes” modules update live: if no results are visible, it is because the counting is not yet sufficiently advanced. As soon as 2024 election results by political figure will be available, they will be visible on this page.

The results of the 2024 elections in Belgium live (European, federal and regional)!

What is the number of preference votes obtained by Zakia Khattabi, Ecolo candidate?

Find out in our module which offers the results of each party and the preferred votes of the candidates.

Who is Zakia Khattabi?

Providing a strong voice on topics related to climate and environmental issues in Belgium, Zakia Khattabi currently holds the position of Federal Minister of the Environment, Climate, Green Deal and Sustainable Development. She began her political career as a member of the Ecolo party and municipal councilor in Ixelles. From June 2009 to June 2014, Zakia Khattabi was divided between her functions as senator appointed by the Parliament of the French Community, president of the Ecolo group and vice-president of the Justice Committee. At the same time, she was also the political secretary of her party in Ixelles. From 2014 to 2015, her election as a member of the House of Representatives allowed her to devote herself to the Justice, Interior and Equal Opportunities committees. From 2015 to 2019, she then served as co-president of the Ecolo party. From 2014 to 2020, it was as a federal deputy in the House of Representatives that she was able to dedicate herself again to the Justice Committee. Since 2020, she has held her current position.

Is voting really compulsory? What are the sanctions and fines if I do not vote?

The 2024 regional, federal and European elections

The year 2024 is a decisive political year for Belgium, marked by a series of important elections. On June 9, Belgian citizens went to the polls to participate in the regional, federal and European elections. This is a key moment for the country’s political future, where every vote counts in shaping the direction Belgium will take. But the election year won’t end there. On October 13, voters will be asked again for the municipal and provincial elections. This second series of votes will make it possible to renew local authorities, crucial for the management of the daily affairs of Belgian municipalities and provinces.

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