Fight against fraud: Côte-d’Or Health Insurance is pleased with its results

Fight against fraud: Côte-d’Or Health Insurance is pleased with its results
Fight against fraud: Côte-d’Or Health Insurance is pleased with its results


Inès Cussac

Published on

June 7, 2024 at 3:57 p.m.

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This is a record amount. In 2023, Côte-d’Or Health Insurance has detected or stopped nearly 2.37 million euros of fraud. In a press release published Friday June 7, the CPAM welcomed its good results linked in particular to an intensification of control actions.

The results of the fight against fraud in 2023 are up 42% compared to 2022. In total, 116 actions were carried out in the department.

The results of the fight against health insurance fraud in Côte-d’Or have again recorded records this year. To tell the truth, I don’t really know whether to be happy or sorry about it. Nevertheless, this demonstrates the determination of Health Insurance to relentlessly track down those who steal the common good and endanger it.

Lilian VachonDirector of Côte-d’Or Health Insurance

Reinforcement with cyber investigators

According to the figures, three quarters of fraud detected are the actions of health professionals. “Providers of medical services and equipment, nurses, hearing aid specialists, etc. will concentrate the majority of losses in 2023,” specifies the CPAM.

Policyholders are at the origin of 32.1% of the fraud detected.

In Côte-d’Or, about twenty people work full-time to fight fraud. They should soon be supported by cyber investigators from the inter-regional center in Grenoble.

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