A great evening for the Swiss team

A great evening for the Swiss team
A great evening for the Swiss team

Murat Yakin gave an interview to Keystone-ATS less than two weeks before Switzerland’s entry into the Euro. The coach spoke frankly.

Murat Yakin was keen to point out that he remained the boss despite the turbulence of last fall and the uncertainty linked to his future.

Did the very harsh criticism you had to face last fall hurt you?

“I don’t care what was said. Media pressure is normal. I remained calm. I know the potential of my team and I am convinced that they have all the qualities to achieve results. These criticisms are happened when I was going through very hard times with the death of my mother. But the support of the ASF and the players was very precious.

However, could the comments made by Granit Xhaka and Pierluigi Tami suggest a certain distrust towards you?

“Certain situations lead to excessive nervousness. I really appreciate Granit as a player and as a person. He spoke out of emotion. I understand it easily. We spoke and we resolved this issue. As for Pierluigi, his words may have been overinterpreted. Our face-to-face discussions lead me to think so, to have a different feeling.

Very hard times

Has this lightness which characterizes you, this carefreeness which is a bit of your trademark, gone away in recent months?

“I experienced very difficult times with my mother’s state of health which deteriorated. How can you smile at life when your mother is dying? The day of her burial, I was on a plane, far from my family But I had to stay focused on my work Nothing was easy during this period…”

Do you wish you had more time to grieve?

“We are a family of eight brothers and sisters and each one did it in their own way. My mother always advised me not to take things tragically. Maybe that’s where this kind of attitude comes from. relaxation that is mine. There are more serious things in life than a crisis of results in football.

However, wasn’t there a bad wind blowing over the Swiss team?

“After the first three matches of the preliminary round, expectations were, it is true, very high. Granit then mentioned the prospect of a Grand Slam with ten victories in ten matches. We forced him a little so that he expresses himself like this. As for me, I wanted to be more measured.”

Lack of rhythm

The big unknown before this Euro lies in the role that Xherdan Shaqiri must play. What do you expect from him?

“We know what Shaq can bring us. He knows how to be decisive and no one in the team has such a magical left foot. At the March rally, I didn’t start him in Denmark due to his lack of pace in MLS, the intensity is not that of one of the five major European championships. It will be up to me to do everything now to be sharp, to be at the same level physically as his teammates. ultimately decide if his tenure will be the best option for the team.”

On June 15, Switzerland will face Hungary. What does this adversary inspire in you?

“An opponent who recites his playing system perfectly. Hungary can also rely on several players who play in the five major championships.”

All opponents are equal

Then there will be Scotland. Aren’t the Scots, on paper, the weakest team in the group?

“Scotland beat Spain in the preliminary round. I believe that all opponents are equal in a final phase. Switzerland can win the three matches in its group stage or it can lose them. The only certainty before this Euro is good that anything can happen.”

And Germany? Didn’t the victories acquired in March against France and the Netherlands fully revive this team?

“I don’t attach huge importance to the results of friendly matches. In such matches, we are tempted to give 5% less and that causes a lot of differences. But we can easily guess the qualities of Germany. They will play at she. She’s growing in power.”

What will be the result during this Euro which will lead you to extend your mandate at the head of the national team?

“Why worry about the future? I know who will be the coach of the Swiss team tomorrow morning. The day after tomorrow too. This spring, I did not follow up on the proposal for a contract renewal. The idea is to let this Euro pass and take stock afterwards. I am always extremely proud and happy to lead the Swiss team. I told my leaders, but in football, you always have to get back on track. question. We can’t live on our achievements. This applies to the players too.

This article was automatically published. Source: ats



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