Things are going to change at Patrick Roy: he betrays Jean-Gabriel Pageau

The betrayal felt by Jean-Gabriel Pageau following the words of Patrick Roy must be terrible.

In an interview with the Journal de Montréal, Roy compared Pageau to Guy Carbonneau, the ultimate compliment for a defensive player like the Quebecer.

Roy made this statement after a playoff game, where Pageau demonstrated exceptional mastery in the faceoff circle, winning 19 of his 23 duels, or 83%.

Against a player as experienced as Jordan Staal, Pageau was almost perfect with a success rate of 89%. His trio, made up of Anders Lee and Pierre Engvall, had played a crucial role in neutralizing the best opposing trios, while contributing offensively.

Roy described Pageau as the “Guy Carbonneau of the era”, touting his excellence in faceoffs and his ability to play a key defensive role.

he added that to be even more like Carbonneau, Pageau had to block shots by throwing himself in front of opposing defenders. This statement could have been perceived as an additional expectation or even a disguised criticism.

Well now rumors are starting to circulate that the Islanders could buy out Pageau’s contract due to salary constraints.

As Sportsnet’s Jeff Marek suggested. GM Lou Lamoriello no longer wants to know anything about his $5 million annual contract for another two years.

Imagining that his future with the team is in danger after giving his all on the ice could explain the feeling of betrayal felt by Pageau.

Despite his exemplary performances, he found himself faced with professional uncertainties, fueled by Sportsnet’s comments.

Patrick Roy, known for being a demanding coach, accepts no half-measures from his players. But he’s not the type to play behind the backs of those he leads,

Lou Lamoriello affirms that he will make all his decisions with Roy who must approve. Despite his efforts, Pageau finds himself in a position where his place in the team is questioned, a situation all the more difficult to accept coming from the from a coach he deeply respects.

If Pageau is bought, Patrick Roy will have betrayed him…in every sense of the word…



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