Commander Nadège Thouard, new deputy director of the Lozère National Police

Commander Nadège Thouard, new deputy director of the Lozère National Police
Commander Nadège Thouard, new deputy director of the Lozère National Police

Nadège Thouard took up her duties at the Mende police station, where she assists Commissioner Gaël Le Pense-Penverne.

Commander Nadège Thouard took up his duties within the Lozère National Police in May. She has in fact joined the Mende police station, as deputy director of the departmental directorate of the National Police. She supports the departmental director, Commissioner Gaël Le Pense-Penverne.

An evolution in his career

Originally from the Lyon region, she comes from Brest, where she was head of the personal injury brigade within the departmental security. At the head of a team of around fifteen people, she was required to work on domestic violence, cases involving minors, public highway offenses of a criminal nature… She also had the opportunity to working there with Gaël Le Pense-Penverne, who was head of departmental security there before arriving in Lozère.

At 50, Nadège Thouard seized the opportunity to climb a further step in her career within the police, by applying for this position left vacant since the departure of Commander Jean-Marc Demontoy.

I arrive in a service that works wellestimates Nadège Thouard. My role will be to streamline exchanges between the teams, to be of assistance to the director, and to replace him when he is absent, to modernize the tools in place in order to facilitate our actions…“It also wishes to reinvest communication with the population, in particular through the Facebook page, by providing it with useful information, such as the establishment of proxies for elections or changes to traffic or parking for example.



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