Why Airline Ticket Prices Could Rise Soon

Why Airline Ticket Prices Could Rise Soon
Why Airline Ticket Prices Could Rise Soon

Airbus has lowered its aircraft production target for this year and next. The European aircraft manufacturer, which had set a target of 800 aircraft delivered in 2024, finally announced earlier this week that it would only deliver 770, summarizes CNN. Its target of delivering 75 A320Neos each month has been postponed by a year: the company hopes to reach this milestone in 2027 and no longer in 2026.

To justify its announcement, the European firm cites failures in its supply chain. “Airbus faces ongoing specific supply chain challenges, primarily in engines, aerostructures and cabin equipment“, the company said Monday evening.

The reassessment of the annual objective caused Airbus shares to fall by 9.41% on the Paris Stock Exchange on Tuesday, adds France Bleu. “This is its worst fall on the stock market since 2022, which erases its gains made since the start of the year.”

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Fear of an increase in ticket prices

Airlines, CNN continues, are facing record demand for air travel. The American media, which has noted a sharp increase in the number of passengers at American airports in recent days, fears the consequences of a reduction in the number of devices manufactured. “High demand and limited supply generally mean higher prices… Upward pressure on prices is likely if the number of jet deliveries from the two major manufacturers remains limited and if demand for travel remains strong.

Boeing caught by manufacturing defects

This announcement comes in a difficult context for the aeronautics sector. After the health crisis, which had a lasting impact on the sector, firms are facing technical problems. Last January, an Alaska Airlines Boeing 737 MAX lost a piece of its fuselage in mid-flight, just minutes after takeoff from Portland airport in the United States.

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A series of air incidents have also involved aircraft from the American giant. The American manufacturer, adds RTS, recognized a few days ago the “seriousness” of the situation before a Senate commission of inquiry. Airlines that use Airbus planes, CNN concludes, have not been free of problems. “A number of A320neos have been grounded due to engine problems.”



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