Advances in gas distribution network monitoring and security

Yesterday, Friday May 31, the Municipal Administration of Maddaloni (CE), represented by Vice Mayor Nicola Corbo, met a delegation from Italgas, the company…

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Yesterday, Friday May 31, the Municipal Administration of Maddaloni (CE), represented by Vice Mayor Nicola Corbo, met a delegation from Italgas, the concessionary company for the natural gas distribution service in the city. The initiative aimed to illustrate the operational modalities adopted by the company in the exercise of the urban network, with particular emphasis on the techniques of monitoring pipes and preventive search for leaks through cutting-edge technologies. In particular, Italgas presented Picarro Surveyor, currently the most advanced technology in the field of gas network monitoring. The system consists of sophisticated detection technology which, compared to traditional technologies, offers significant advantages in terms of speed of execution and scope of controlled areas. Mounted on service vehicles, it guarantees a sensitivity for detecting the presence of gas in the air three orders of magnitude higher than that currently used by other operators in the sector (parts per billion versus parts per million). Compared to the traditional method, in addition, this does not require the vehicle to follow the route of the buried pipe, thus avoiding the problem of possible obstacles present along the route (such as, for example, parked cars) and exponentially increases the volume of the monitored area (150-200 meters in width and 5-8 meters in height versus 1-2 meters and 10-20 centimeters). The software is then able to detect not only the presence of methane but also ethane, thus providing more precise data on the quantity of gas molecules present in the air. Data which, crossed with information relating to the direction and speed of the wind and geo-referenced readings, makes it possible to provide extremely quickly and with great precision the location of the possible origin of the leak. The adoption of technology is part of a broader journey of digitalization of assets and processes that Italgas has been leading for years, aiming to provide an ever more efficient, sustainable and safe service for the communities and territories in which it operates . Picarro, in particular, has achieved significant results since its introduction, making it possible to control a quantity of kilometers 100% greater than the managed network each year. With Picarro technology, the new Work On Site application, developed in the Italgas Digital Factory, was presented. The application, available on electronic devices provided to companies carrying out the works, manages automated, digital controls on gas distribution network sites and makes compliance checks faster and more efficient, which are shared in real time. Italgas night checks have already started several months ago in our municipality, and we are particularly happy that Maddaloni was chosen as the first municipality for this experiment. These controls, with cutting-edge technologies, guarantee us a very high level of safety, because they can intercept possible leaks or ruptures in pipes acting over a wide radius of action. In addition, and not least, the service offered by Italgas is completely free for both citizens and the entity, said Nicola Corbo, public works councilor and vice-mayor of Maddaloni.

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