Former Bois Noir uranium mine: finally the accelerator?

Former Bois Noir uranium mine: finally the accelerator?
Former Bois Noir uranium mine: finally the accelerator?

Forced by the State to submit a redevelopment project for the site, Orano, in charge of the former Bois Noirs Limouzat uranium mine, wishes to involve the population in the project. A consultation phase has just begun.

It’s an old sea serpent. How can we ensure the sustainability of the former Bois Noirs uranium mine, today a mining residue storage site, in the long, even very long term? In recent decades, several redevelopment projects have been worked on. Without ever really succeeding, due to lack of consensus. Orano, which is responsible for the premises, is currently working on a new file.An information meeting was organized this Tuesday in Saint-Priest-la-Prugne.

1 – Why is this new project in the works?

The State issued several prefectural decrees in 2022 requiring the operator Orano to submit, within 24 months, an environmental authorization relating to the redevelopment of the site. Orano requested an additional period of one year to “consolidate the studies and carry out consultation work”.

The idea: to set up a new covering system above the treatment residues. In fact (and it is the only one of the 18 sites under Orano’s responsibility to have this device), a layer of water allows a permanent radiological screen to be maintained here. Although it does not present a health risk, this system could nevertheless prove “vulnerable” in the long term, recognizes Orano. “Strong climate changes and exceptional weather episodes, particularly possible droughts, represent a big challenge. Not having this body of water in the future would expose the residues, which is not possible,” explained the Post-Mining Service team who came to meet the population this week.

2 – What would the project consist of?

Already mentioned in the past, the path currently being explored consists of replacing the liquid cover with a solid cover. A solution deemed “permanent”. The tailings would be covered by rocky materials then topsoil. A technically very delicate operation. The first stages would notably be carried out underwater to ensure the continuity of radiological protection, after which the large basin could be drained. At the same time, this project would be accompanied by the creation of a new bed for the Besbre, the river currently channeled in a concrete conduit, in order to respond on the one hand to a regulatory obligation of ecological continuity, and to find On the other hand, the materials necessary for the redevelopment of the site are on site. In recent weeks, drilling has been carried out to study the future route of the watercourse. Additional investigations will be carried out on the fauna, flora, etc.

“We want to re-establish dialogue”

Not now

This project “in the study and reflection phase” could take, if all the lights turned green, 6 to 7 years and cost between 20 and 30 million euros. “All this remains purely indicative because the file will be refined in the coming months,” insists Orano.

3 – What will be the stages of the consultation?

Orano displays it: the group wants to involve the population. “We want to re-establish dialogue, have clearer, more transparent information with the population, so that they can contribute to the project,” its representatives insisted on Tuesday.The teams from the “Apres-mines France” service came to meet the population.

An information phase has just been held with a public meeting organized in Saint-Priest-la-Prugne, but also offices in four municipalities in the area. Orano also works with municipal councils in the area. Thematic workshops and technical commissions open to all, on a voluntary basis, will be organized in the fall “to go into more detail into the different aspects” of the project and collect opinions and contributions. Finally, following these information and consultation times, the steering stage will come where, this time, the elected officials will represent the residents. Objective: submit the environmental authorization application file in the summer of 2025 for work to begin in 2027-2028.

4 – What are the first returns?

During the office hours, around twenty people came to inquire about the approach. “People took the time to learn about the history and the reason for this new project,” says Nadine Himeur from Orano. “We were able to clear up some doubts but also identify questions that deserve to be explored in more depth. The aim of this consultation is to bring all these questions to the fore.”Around fifty people responded to the invitation.

And the residents obviously have no shortage of questions. This Tuesday evening, there were around fifty people in the Saint-Priest village hall, local residents and elected officials. And the topics flowed. Practices and techniques. What will be the impact of the work on neighbors? What are the risks of health contamination linked to dust and radon? How to manage the redevelopment of the Besbre and the issue of water flow? And who will monitor the site in several decades?

Transparency and nuclear, “incompatible”?

“You talk about transparency, but, for me, that is incompatible with nuclear power, there is such an omerta,” said a local resident. “Several decades ago, in fact, these questions were “defense secrets”: those responsible considered that it was none of your business,” conceded the Orano team. “But 40 years later, nuclear power is obliged to be transparent and in consultation. We understand, after all these years, that there can be a feeling of exhaustion among the population, but today, we believe in it and these are not just empty words. We are part of a real consultation process and we do not yet have all the answers. » To see if this speech will succeed in reassuring and convincing.

Practical. Orano puts the following site online:

Aurélie Marchadier

The Bois Noirs Collective remains cautious about the consultation process

Arlette Maussan and Dominique Delorme of the Bois Noirs Collective.

She is at almost all the meetings around this subject: Arlette Maussan, president of the Collectif Bois Noirs (which has been mobilizing since the closure of the uranium mine more than 40 years ago) participated in the information phase this start of the week. And she once again did not hide her skepticism about the evolution of the situation, nor her concerns.

“History repeats itself. We’ve been hearing the same things for years.”

Arlette Maussan

“Since the site was abandoned, we see young people coming one after the other to propose developments and, on the ground, nothing is moving,” she says. We realize that today, our questions from yesterday are still relevant and we are still not given any answers, nor the requested documents. We don’t have any more information today and it’s not this consultation that will enlighten us,” she believes. The impact on water particularly worries these activists. Due to a lack of sufficient hydrogeological expertise (it should be sent to them in July), the Collective had also boycotted follow-up meetings. A few days ago, members reminded the sub-prefect of their concerns.

Orano invited the Collective to commission its own experts who could be associated with the project. A delicate prospect for the association – “we don’t have the means to pay them” – and not necessarily justified, according to her. “It is not up to us to build this file, we are not here to do their work. We are not the service technicians,” retorts Arlette Maussan. Who recognizes the urgency of the situation: “It is certain that something will have to be done. We are waiting for them to present their project to us, it is not up to us to think about it in advance because we are talking about very specific work which requires the opinion of numerous experts. Orano must show us that we can have confidence.”The Collective regularly carries out actions to alert decision-makers of the urgent need for action for this site.



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