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Near Luxembourg: Second Death After Shooting at Wedding in Thionville

Near Luxembourg: Second Death After Shooting at Wedding in Thionville
Near Luxembourg: Second Death After Shooting at Wedding in Thionville

One of the people injured in the shooting at a wedding in Thionville on the night of Saturday to Sunday has died, the Nancy prosecutor’s office in charge of the investigation said in a statement sent to The essential. This brings to two the number of victims killed with heavy weapons.

French justice also indicates that the vital prognosis of the two other victims hospitalized in absolute emergency is no longer in jeopardy. No new communication is planned at this stage, said the deputy prosecutor.

Sunday, around 1 a.m., a wedding bringing together around a hundred guests from the Turkish community at the Eden Palace turned into a tragedy when “three hooded men, dressed in black, heavily armed, presented themselves in front of the entrance to the room and shot at people who were outside. Several dozen rounds of ammunition were fired,” said the JIRS (Specialized Interregional Jurisdiction) of Nancy, competent in matters of organized crime, in a first press release, released on Sunday.

Four people were hit and two others suffered minor injuries, including from flying glass. “The investigation is continuing under the classification of murder by an organized gang and attempted murder by an organized gang,” the justice system said, while remaining cautious about the motives for the shooting, which remain “unknown” at this stage.

According to a source from theAFPthe investigation is moving towards a settling of scores linked to drug trafficking. The victims are from the Metz region.



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