The LIOT group opposes the reform of unemployment insurance – Mo News

The LIOT group opposes the reform of unemployment insurance – Mo News
The LIOT group opposes the reform of unemployment insurance – Mo News

A few months ago, in our columns, we dealt with unemployment in Guyana and the future reform desired by the executive. This week, the LIOT group (Liberties Group, independents, overseas and territories) wishes to table a bill to set the maximum period of compensation for the unemployed at 18 months. A PPL* which, not without embarrassing the Prime Minister, receives the support of the unions.

Will the unemployment insurance reform impact the poorest households? » is the question we asked Thibault Guillydirector of France Travail, during his visit to Guyana on April 22.

Indeed, we know that in Guyana, the problem of unemployment is real. In our territory, the rate of unemployed people is double compared to France. Another major factor: There is a lack of qualified labor. . Companies have difficulty hiring here due to a lack of qualified applicants. We think that 7,000 positions are to be filled. Three other obstacles as well: health, childcare and mobility.

The response from the director of France Travail is as follows:

» This reform is wanted by the government, because the number of jobs in the region is increasing. Working must be more of an incentive than not working. »

Certainly, there are more jobs, but as we saw above, we are seriously lacking qualified people in Guyana regarding offers.

Then, Thibault Guilly talks about setting up » Countercyclicality. Basically, when the employment situation is better, compensation for the unemployed is reduced.

An answer in two parts therefore… to ultimately say the same thing.

I am not going to repeat myself a second time, but that does not change the problems facing Guyana.

Will Macronie come up against the PPL* of the LIOT group?

We have heard the Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal, hammering home the need to reform unemployment insurance since taking office. Yesterday, the outlines of this reform were presented.

To make it simple: the government must fill the budget deficit, it proposes to reduce the duration of compensation for the unemployed to 12 months, like our German neighbors. Matignon also wants the employee to have to work longer to hope to receive the aid, and that this decreases over time.

Thus, the government hopes to save 3.6 billion euros thanks to this reform and the creation of 90,000 jobs.

However, the deputies of the Liot group want to pull the rug out from under the Prime Minister. This week, elected officials announced that they wanted to table a bill to cap at 18 months the duration of the compensation, while definitively fixing the six months needed to qualify for aid.

This bill must be submitted on June 13.

*Law proposition

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