Deaf children still don’t know where to go to college in Caen

Deaf children still don’t know where to go to college in Caen
Deaf children still don’t know where to go to college in Caen


Arnaud Héroult

Published on

June 25, 2024 at 6:56 a.m.

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“We arrive at the end of June 2024 and we do not know where our children will go to college in September. » In the urban area of Caen (Calvados)l’association of parents of deaf children du Calvados (APES14) is worried. Two deaf children who are finishing CM2 are currently without a solution to pursue education that adapts to their disability.

No real structure at college in Caen

The two students are part of nine children attending the Odons school group, in Bretteville-sur-Odon, which is an education center for young deaf people. A PEJS set up in 2018 after a court decision, already following the mobilization of the APES14.

“We have to open the doors every time even though this exists in other cities,” regret the parents of deaf children. “For four years, we have been anticipating, we want to work in collaboration with national education for the creation of this PEJS in middle school. »

We want a complete pathway from kindergarten to college: direct instruction in sign language. It is a right.

Parents of deaf children

The Academy offers support

Questioned by Liberté, the Normandy academy notes that “two students were, according to the wishes expressed by the parents, registered for schooling in an ordinary environment, each supported individually with an AESH (accompanying students with disabilities). ) formed. »

According to this formulation, it would be the Ulis TFA section of the Jean-Moulin college in Caen: a localized unit for educational inclusion (ULIS) for hearing function disorder (TFA).

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“Our wishes have always been the creation of a real PEJS”, continue the parents of students who have the “feeling” that “the Academy does not wish to open a second PEJS in Normandy, because there is already one in Rouen. »

A solution ? But in Rouen

But in Rouen, estimates APES, “it’s like an Ulis, it’s not direct teaching in sign language and we don’t want to send our children at 10 years old to Rouen. »

The Calvados association of parents of deaf children appreciates the support of numerous associations (the National Federation of the Deaf of France for example) but must once again undertake an obstacle course for the children. “It’s not moving forward” sum up the parents of the students.

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